Prologe: An Anomaly

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*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

I moan and groan as the alarm was blaring it's loud and noisy sound in my ears. I turn my head towards the clock to see it was 5:30 AM. I reach for the alarm clock to turn it off. I then lay on my back again as I look at the ceiling thinking on how I'm going to make through the day.

Y/N:*Sigh* Amother day, another shitty day at school.

I say to myself as I get up from my bed. I do some stretching to get the blood flowing through me and I went to put on a pair of clothes. A nice black pair of pants with nice white T shirt. I go to brush my teeth, doing circles, and cleaning behind them as well. I grab a pair of socks from my room and head down stairs to eat me some Reese's puffs. The nice peanut butter and chocolate mixture in a cereal just tasted so nice to me. I poor me some cereal and started to eat while watching YouTube. I looked at one leak on a news channel where it says that the new gun getting added today was called the drum shotgun where it had 12 shells in the mag, and it rapidly fires.

Y/N: It hasn't even been a day yet, but I already know that people will be complaining about this spamming garbage, because anything with the words rapid fire will be something that will be removed in no time at all.

I finish eating and get my socks and shoes on and I got to my bus stop. It was really close to me, like about not even 5 minute walk. As soon as I get their, I just listen to some tunes like usual, not paying attention to the other students making there way to the bus stop too. I then thought on what happened last week. What happened was that I forgot to do one thing, and that was to take out the garbage cans to the side of the road. We had to wait a whole week to have them come pick it up. My Dad yelled at me for it, saying that I was fucking retarded, that I was useless. Now, I make alot of mistakes, but sometimes these are small mistakes that he could of just talk to me like a person and not yell at me like I'm supposed to be perfect. I had alot going on that day and when you forget one thing out of all the other things in your day, your just that useless...........but hes probably right. I am pretty useless after all. I can never do anything right.

After a while the bus finally came and I took my seat and sat down. I played my on my phone for the rest of the time until I got to school.

Timeskip: 30 minutes

I got to the school I usually go to and 9th grade feels like 8th grade still, because of all the immature morons that just do the dumbest shit ever. It makes me want to just punch them in the face or just slap the sense into them. 10th grade are half stupidity and half who actually want to learn. 11 graders are about 20-35% stupidity, so it's not as common to see it around everyone. Finally, there are the 12th graders that are the 10% retarded and about 90% of them just want to get finished with school. Just like I want to get out of this hell hole.

I look around for my friend Eric that I talk to. He cool to hang with and we both do our own thing once we just do our greetings. We talk a little bit and we talk to eachother on some topics if we are really pissed about something. I see Eric at one of the far tables at the far right end. I go and sit.

Eric: Sup

Y/N: Nothing much, just fucking bored as hell.

Eric: Don't you have your phone?

Y/N: Yes, but I'm saving the battery for some of those latter periods that I just get so bored that I fall asleep in. You would know because it's just a pain to just listen to those lectures every damn day.

Eric: Believe me, I know. One time, one of my teachers was talking the whole time and the work that we where suppose to do in class, was for homework.

Y/N: Well that sounds real shitty.

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