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It was heart-breaking for the ones who heard Sugawara's words, but not as much as Sakusa's feelings. Guilt. Pain. Suffering. His child to be, needs to be sacrificed to save Hinata. Tears slowly falls off his eyes as he covered himself with his wings, not wanting other species to see a godly being, crying.

Daishou just held Hinata's hand, squeezing it gently. He also wiped his tears. Kuroo remained silent, he doesn't want his omega to hear this yet. It might just break him further.

The rest of the crows fell silent, to think their precious tengu would experience such pain. Even with his eyes closed, Hinata was awake the moment Sugawara was done healing him.

He had to give up his child to save his wings. Hinata's eyes slowly opened as he squeezed Daishou's hand back. "Shoyo!" his friends came running to him. Kageyama, who had just arrived, immediately rushed to Hinata.

"Are you okay now?!" Hinata just nodded, with mixed emotions of pain and resolve. Sakusa came to his side, hugging him. Which surprised the 2 rare alphas, as they thought the dragon alpha wasn't the affectionate type. He couldn't mutter the words, the guilt was overwhelming him.

"Now now, our dear god, please cease those tears. We'll save our child." This confused Sakusa and Daishou at the same time. Hinata's eyes goes over Sugawara and Daichi. "You can still save my child." Sugawara was about to protest- when he sees the look in his son's eyes with strong resolve. 

Like the look he gave his mother about mating with a tengu and not an eagle "How?" was the only word he could say.

Breathing heavily, he looks over Kuroo first. "Make sure my brother won't be awake at the time being." He shortly spoke before averting his gaze to Daichi. 

"Cut my wings off."

Cutting a bird's wing is the symbol of greatest love and sacrifice for their kind

At that moment, Daishou finally realized it. Sakusa already has a special place inside Hinata's heart. And he didn't find it revolting, instead he was happy

The room fell silent. Suga was torn on what to do. He knows there's no changing Hinata's mind but he's also is strongly against it. He knows Tsukishima would not be able to handle it if his brother cut off his wings.

And also, even though it's admirable, they can't just cut off his wings mindlessly. Not only will his body suffer much more dangerous complications but also his ability to get pregnant. Suga was frozen, he didn't know what to do. Does he save this child or does he save his child?

"I-I..." Suga slowly sighed, snapping out of his trance before he looked at Hinata. "Look, Shoyo. I know you're doing this for your child but..." He slowly cupped the poor omega's face, seeing him holding back tears. 

"It will just put you more in danger. You might even have even major complications in the future. You might lose your ability to get pregnant and give birth completely." He runs his fingers through Hinata's hair to calm him down.

"We'll look for ways to save your child. Just don't resort to that for now... I don't want two of my children breaking." He mumbled, talking about Tsukishima. 


"Really. Now calm down for a bit. Your child's pathway out of your body just closed, I'll call in some people I think will be able to help. Just for now, you're safe and that's all that matters."

"I-I might be able to help," Kageyama muttered before he gulped. Daishou and Hinata looked at Kageyama expectantly while Sakusa just buried his face on his omega's neck more. 

I found you, My Mate (Haikyuu Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora