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Tsukishima immediately looked at the door, his eyes widening at the sight. Hinata looks so different. He could only smile widely, kind of relieved that he's not the only swan left. Although, Hinata was a white swan.

He immediately ran to him, hugging him. "I'm glad you're safe... I don't know what I could do to Kageyama and Yamaguchi if you weren't..." He whispered to Hinata. 

"You know they wouldn't let me be harmed. I was the one who slipped away when Kags left me." Hinata giggled softly.

"Shou and I have been seeing each other even before we went to Tokyo. I didn't know how you guys didn't notice but I guess y'all are blind." The Tengus all looked at Hinata with glares before they all laughed. Tsukishima frowned when Hinata was taken from his grasp, pouting slightly.

He then admired Hinata's and Daishou's marks. They were glittering and shining. He then looked down at his mark on his wrist and noticed with just plain with no glittering or shining happening. He immediately looked to Kuroo when he felt his arm around him.

"Ahh... Okay. Sorry, I didn't really know how the marking works in mating." He pouted.

 "That's because you thought no one is gonna pick up your loser ass and mate with you." Hinata butt in, earning a bonk in the head by Tsukishima. 

"Shut up. We're literally the same species you dumb tanger- oh that doesn't work anymore-" Tsukishima said with a neutral face because he just realized he needed to think another nickname for the boy.

With all the misunderstandings cleared out...they all started talking to each other, about how strange it was at first to see why Tsukishima and Hinata doesn't find anyone attractive, nor their pheromones acting up so much with regular alphas.

Everything was all fine- when Kuroo felt weird as his omega mark on his chest starts to feel hotter. Tsukishima felt the same, his wrist, where his alpha mark was on was like burning. They all had an idea what was already happening. "Let's take them to our break room, Shoyo." Hinata nodded with Daishou's words.

Daishou carried Kuroo with his tail, as Hinata pulled Tsukishima up by the arms with Kageyama's help to the break room. Kuroo felt his world was spinning as his body temperature starts to drop, a bad sign for any snakes, his tail slowly ceased back, getting back his usual legs and clothes on.

Tsukishima kept squirming around while bring carried by Kageyama and Hinata back to the break room. Placing the couple down, the three left the room, with Daishou destroying the doorknob and slithered away with a grin. He then puts an arm over Hinata's waist. "Wanna bet how long they'll last?"

Hinata chuckled. "Oh Sho...! We're rare species, of course our stamina shouldn't be underestimated. You and I lasted for 8 hours." Hinata laughed remembering that it just happened this morning. 

"Yeah~ you veryy~ sssaasssyyy~" He licked Hinata's ear with ease as his tongue was long enough. The smaller boy just hit him, completely forgetting about the extra tengu alpha behind.

"Fuck these rares. Wait.." He then realized. "If Shoyo is my legal cousin..." He laughed the thought as it was really impossible. 

"Nah..impossible~ I can't be a ra-" 

"Tobio-chan~" Kageyama turns his head to see a long time friend and a beautiful omega fox, Atsumu.

Being alone in the room, Kuroo's vision was blurry as he was left with no choice but to follow his beast instincts. The first thing he did was grab Tsukishima's wrist, pinning him down on the bed.

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