Peter Parker is... dead? (He is not)

Start from the beginning

"Hey! I like Hawaii pizza." Mai defended. 


Sora eyed her up and down. "gross"


Mai sticked her tongue out in response. 


They walked into the hostage room. As comfortable as ever. It was busy, that for sure. At least 50 in this room alone.


She picked up the hammer from the floor and slammed it against the gong they placed in the middle of the room. 


There were startled yells and people jumping awake. Mai couldn't believe people could actually sleep in a situation like this. 


"Good morning sunshines. We have breakfast!" 


Nobody moved and just stared at her. 

Mai sighed in annoyance. "It's not fucking poisoned idiots." 


Nobody dared to move. 


"Fine." She grabbed a slice and took a bite. Pointing at her throat when she gulped it down. 


Still no reaction. 


Mai sighed and reached her back with one hand. She aimed her katana at the nearest person with one quick motion. 


The girl in question shrieked and backed up against the wall. The end of the blade pressed against her throat. A thin line of blood dripped down. 


"Stand" Mai demanded. 


The girls eyes were on the blade. 


“I said stand” 


The girl nodded and held her hands up. 


 Mai slowly lifted the blade from the girls throat to give her space. The girl walked towards the table. Everyone watched her in absolute silence. 


 "Pick a slice. Any flavor you want."  With one last look behind her and a nervous swallow she picked a slice from the mozzarella pizza and took a bite. Seconds passed and nothing happened.

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