※Gamer|Jeon Jungkook※

Start from the beginning

Jungkook used his height to his advantage and held the headphones over his head so the shorter girl wouldn't be able to get them. The girl jumped, extending her hand as far as she could, trying hard to somehow grasp her headphones.

"Just give it back!" The girl demanded already feeling frustrated and humiliated because of the taller boy.

"No, not until you remove your things from my cubicle so I can game in peace."

The girl sighed, turning to her things, already ready to give up so she could get her headphones back. She was almost going to comply, but her stubbornness and determination were greater than the big doofus standing expectantly behind her.

She turned around as Jungkook narrowed his eyes at her, glaring daggers as if trying to compel her to move out of his cubicle.

"I have a better idea." She started, giving the boy a daring smirk. "How about we play a match. If you win, I move out of your cubicle and I'll pay your fee for a month every Friday."

That caught Jungkook's attention so he smiled at the girl. As if she could ever win against the golden maknae. The arrogant boy thought, raising a brow at the girl.

"What if you win?" He asks her, curious at what the deal would be.

"If I win, you have to give me back my headphones, you pay for my fee for a month plus you have to give up your cubicle for a whole month."

"Yah! That's not fair, you gave me three conditions while you only get two?" The boy whined, giving the girl an angry snarl.

The girl laughed bitterly, putting her hands on her hips. "Fine, you get to decide a third condition."

The boy took it into consideration and gave the girl a mischievous grin. "If I win, you can never ever step in a computer cafe ever again."

The girl gulped at the condition, deciding she wouldn't back down no matter what it takes.

"Deal." She says, holding her hand out. "Do you agree?"

Jungkook scoffs, thinking this whole ordeal was pathetic. The girl was seriously up for a cold, hard defeat.

"Nah, you will never win against me." Jungkook says, flickering her forehead with his fingers making the girl hiss in pain at the stinging pain throbbing at her forehead.

"Ha! Are you scared to lose to a girl mister?" The girl dared as Jungkook started to walk away with her headphones. She had to get him to give her the headphones back.

"Who says I'm scared?" He asks, stoping on his track.

"I do. You're a coward and cocky, you think that just because I'm a girl gamer I'll lose to you. Or maybe it's that you're afraid that you'll lose to a girl."

Jungkook snapped around, hurrying over to the girl and looking at her straight in the eyes. "Fine, midget, game on. You'll lose anyway."

She gave him a a smirk, "Game on."

The girl sat back down on the chair and Jungkook took a sit in the cubicle right next to her.

They chose the game and logged in, both spanning into the server. Both would be against each other, one a police and the other a criminal. The girl smirked at the screen chosing her weapon and taking on her role as the mafia boss.

Jungkook had only one goal and it was to take her down, so he too took his role as the police officer and continued to find clues to reach the mafia boss.

After a few minutes the game got serious, Jungkook clicked away on his keyboard, grinding his teeth together as he angrily tried to get to his target, but the mafia boss was faster, skilled and much more eloquent. Jungkook's face heated at the anger as he tried hard to shoot the girl, but she only managed to dodge and attack the other officers successful, leaving him alone on his mission.

He took a quick glance at the girl besides him, her face monotone and relaxed as she clicked away strategically on her keyboard. He admired her level of concentration and conviction but he wouldn't let her win no matter what.

As the two characters fought, his character got injured on the leg, making him vulnerable to more attacks. He grunted and tried to get away, but it was too late when nother member of the girl's mafia shoot him in the hand enabling his character to use his weapon. The girl's character walked towards the injured man and finished him off easily, making the screen go red with dark, bloody words popping up mockingly.

"GAME OVER!" The bot says, making Jungkook stare at the screen in utter shock.

"How?" He muttered, rendered speechless. "How did you win against me?"

Jungkook turned to see the girl standing up from her chair and swinging her bag over her shoulder and gathering her things. She did not respond to him and held a hand out, biding him to give her headphones back. The boy quietly complied and gave her the item.

She walked away and the boy just watched her give the lady at the front a sweet smile and a polite bow. Without thinking twice, Jungkook stood up and grabbed his belongings, rushing out to follow the gamer.

"YAH! WAIT FOR ME!" He shouted, attracting the attention of some onlookers and winning a grunt from the young girl.

She tried to walk away but Jungkook was fast, so he grabbed her wrist, making her stop walking.

"Ugh, what do you want now, jerk? I won, you lost, see you next Friday."

"Wait!" He says as she tries to pull away again.


The boy gulps at the annoyed girl, his cheeks flushing a soft pink. "Ah, I want to apologize, I mean, for being rude and demanding you to give me back my cubicle. You're right, it isn't mine and anyone could have sat there. I'm sorry for underestimating you. I don't think girls can't win against boy gamers, I was being petty. I will repay you for being mean."

The girl gave him a genuine smile for the first time that afternoon. "Well, I accept your apology, um..."

"Jungkook, my name is Jeon Jungkook."

The girl giggled at his bunny smile once he flashed his cute teeth in an adorable smile. "Sorry for calling you a jerk and an asshole, Jungkook."

"It's okay, I deserved that." The boy chuckled, looking down shyly at his feet.

"Hey, would you like to eat with me? I'm going over to my parent's restaurant. Wanna come?"

"Sure, that match really got me starving."

The girl took Jungkook's hand without hesitation, making Jungkook's heart stutter and his tummy flip and flutter.

"Um, what's your name?" Jungkook asked from next to her as she lead him to the restaurant.

She looked up at him and shot him a smile. "Oh, right, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Eun Haneul."

~The End~

Hellor, this was dedicated to my reader SukiPretz who requested a one-shot of Jungkook meeting his future girlfriend who is a girl gamer. The idea came from my very first fan fiction Our Love Maze. My friend izzah_fiza asked me what happened to Jungkook after Our Love Maze and I mentioned that he probably met a girl at a computer cafe and fell in love. Though Jungkook was already in College in Our Love Maze, I decided to make him a teenager for this one-shot.

I hope you enjoyed this short story. See you on the next update!

-Random Potato♡

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