author's note

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Alright, hi!
I just wanted to get a few things said before going any further with this story;

As you might have figured, this is gonna be about some of the main characters from The Walking Dead. It is mainly going to be about Judith, since she is the main character in this story, and we are mostly going to see things from her point of view.
(Also I am thinking about maybe adding some characters from Fear The Walking Dead as like people from the other side of town, how would you feel about that?)

As you probably understood from the prologue, I have included some characters that are no longer in the show. I wanted to do this since I just want this to be a nice story about the characters everyday life, without too much drama.

As I also mentioned before, this is played out in a world where the apocalypse never happened, which means there won't be any walkers existing in this universe.

Yeah, so I think that's about it...

Oh, I also quickly wanna mention that I probably won't be updating this super soon, since I have a lot going on in my life right now. But I will do the best I can to not take too long.

I still wanted to get the prologue out there as a start and also to see if people are even interested in this.

So please let me know how you like this idea and if you even want the story to continue.

I really appreciate feedback of any sort!

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed!

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