Eleanor raised an eyebrow, "How do you know?" 

James handed her a letter, "This came in just when you left." 

Dear Miss Lupin, 

Your brother is awake and well. You can come to see him with the others. 

Yours sincerely, 

Madam Pomfrey 

Eleanor's face lit up, "Great! Let's go see him right now," she walked past them. 

When the four of them walked all the way back to the Hospital Wing, meanwhile talking about how theybwere going to bring the 'good' news.

"Well, I think I should be the one to tell him," James said confidently.

Sirius looked confused, "And why should it be you?"

James thought for a second, he then opened his mouth to say someyhing, but closed it not long after.

"Exactly," Sirius shrugged, "So I'll tell him."

Eleanor snorted, "You're certainly the last one who would tell him."

"Yeah," Peter chimed in, "And it was Eleanor's idea, and he's her brother, so she should tell him."

Eleanor smiled at him, slightly surprised by his reaction, "Thanks Peter."

When they reached the doors to the Hospital Wing, Eleanor knocked on the door before stepoing inside, leaving the others to wait in the corridor. Pomfrey nodded at her when she came in.

Remus was sitting up in his bed in the corner, eating some of his chocolate. She smiled to herself and walked over to him.

When he noticed her he looked up and smiled. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was very messy, but other than that, he seemed to be in good spirits. 

"Hey Remy," she said softly, sitting down on the chair next to his bed. 

"Hi sis," his voice was a bit hoarse, so he cleared his throat. 

Pomfrey noticed and put a glass of water on his nightstand. 

"Thank you, Ma'am," he eagerly took a sip. 

"So er, how are you feeling? I see your wound's healing up nicely," she nodded at the now fresh scar across his chest. 

He shrugged, "Fine, just my back aches a little. The scar's fine, no pain there," he smiled shortly, "I heard you'd come by earlier but I was asleep."

She nodded. Now was the moment to say it, she just had to tell them, or he'd find out soon enough. 

"Ella?" she heard Remus say. 

She looked up at him. 

"What's wrong?" he said, sounding a bit concerned. 

She bit her lip, "Look, I have to tell you something, and you're not going to be happy, but-" 

"Remus! My old friend!" Sirius walked over to them, grinning, his arms spread. 

Remus' eyes widened in shock and he quickly pulled up the covers over his bare chest, hoping they hadn't seen his scars. 

"What're- Why are you here?" he stammered. 

He looked over to see where Madam Pomfrey was, but she had, unfortunately, just left. And of course, that's why the boys had decided to come out of their hiding spot. 

"Hasn't your dear sister told you yet?" James asked amused, sitting down on the edge of his bed. 

"His dear sister was just going to before he decided to ruin it!" she said angrily, pointing at Sirius, who just held his hands up in front of him as if to say it wasn't his idea. 

Remus shook his head, "What are you talking about?" 

He looked over at Eleanor. 

She sighed, "Look, promise you won't get mad at me?" 

He frowned. 

She cleared her throat, "When I, er, came to visit you yesterday, Sirius saw me." 

Remus looked down. 

"He heard us talk, and well, now they know," she said softly. 

Remus clenched his jaws and Eleanor noticed the muscles in his neck twitch. Neither of them said anything for what felt like minutes to Eleanor. 

But then Remus spoke softly, "Well, I guess that's it then." 

The others shared looks with each other. 

"What do you mean?" said Peter, furrowing his eyebrows. 

"Well- I mean- It's not like we're friends now anymore right, so that's good to know at least," Remus said, staring down at his hands. 

Sirius shook his head, looking confused, "Mate, did you hit your head on something last night?" he asked, sounding concerned, "Because otherwise, you're really hurting my feelings, thinking we'd let you down like that," he pouted 

Eleanor smiled to herself. 

Remus looked up at him, "You're okay with it?" 

"Of course!" James said, ruffling up Remus' hair, "Who else am I going to copy my homework from?" he grinned. 

The others laughed. 

"I can't believe you guys," Remus chuckled, shaking his head, "You really are the best," he smiled up at them. 

"Yeah, we are," Sirius grinned, crossing his arms over his chest. 

Eleanor sighed happily, "Well, I can't tell you how happy I am you're taking this so well." 

"Oh yeah, 'cause we have to tell you something else as well," James said. 

Eleanor frowned. 

"Right," Sirius added, while Remus took a sip from his water. 

"Because we want to help you as much as possible with this, the four of us have decided to become Animagi!" he said excitedly. 

Eleanor turned pale.

Remus choked on his water, "You have decided what now?"

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