Chapter 29: We Made That

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"We each took one and put the first initial to each of your names on the back. Mine is negative." Kiley said walking to Ryder showing him. "Well that's ok. I know we haven't been together that long. I just wan you to know I would have been happy with either positive or negative. Kiley I am in this for as long as you let me." Ryder said holding her close kissing her deeply making her smile. "We are going to call and get OBGYN appointments to double check to make sure about these answers to by the way. Mine is positive." Niki said looking Jaxon in the eye holding up the test to him. Jaxon with the worlds biggest smile like a kid on Christmas. "We're having a baby?" He asked excitedly. "Well if this is right we are we will have to wait to find out for sure though." She said still having her arms wrapped around his neck. "Mine is negative." Jessie said handing the test to Xavier. "Ugh babe I don't know how to tell you this but this is not negative." Xavier said looking at the other tests. "Yes it is see that faint little minus sign in that big circle there. Negative." Jessie said. "No baby look at the smaller box to make sure the test are working clearly it's blank. The test is inconclusive it didn't work for us, we have no result." Xavier said showing her Niki, Kiley's and her test. "So I guess we have to wait until you go to the doctor. I know your on birth control babe, I know your body has been under stress but didn't the doctor say all the antibiotics could stop the effects of the birth control? And you have been on and off them for a while now right? So there is still a possibility that you could be pregnant." Xavier said as they both have come to that train of thinking at the same time. Both looking at each other not saying anything.

Xavier just rested his head against hers they just stood there breathing taking in the moment of possibilities. "Mine is positive." Lexi said giving hers to Axel who just took it and starred at for a few minutes not saying anything. "So we won't know for sure for sure until we get in to the doctor? Can we go?" Axel asked as he and Jaxon had one or two stray tears falling on their cheeks. "Well you guys come to everything else I don't see this being any different." She said making everyone laugh around them. "I get to be a dad?" HE asked her in a whisper. "Well going by this we get to be parents, you get to be a husband first though. Looks like we got the family we talked about just a little out of the order we thought it'd go." Lexi said holding him closer to her as he choked out a laugh as his head was remained in her neck.

"You had to make them come clean right now? You couldn't have just hid them in drawer until they were ready to tell them more privately? Babe you just stole a very intimate moment away from all of them." Eric said in a little bit of a disapproving voice. "I think you forget we know all of them better than they know themselves and I know that if they were to go to those doctors than my brothers would wan tot be in that room and you know what they have every right to be in there babe. If there is a possibilite of them finding out for the first time than they want to find out there, where they can see and hear that heart beat for the first time if there is a child in there. They deserve that moment just as well as any mother would. You have no idea how long we have been waiting and praying for that moment." Noah said to Eric. "If I had not called you out would you have told them or go to those doctors on your own?" Noah asked the girls around the room. Who just shrugged back they didn't know. "See you don't know what you would do. I know what these guys would want though. They need to be there just the same way as you do for the piece of mind in every way shape and form. Mentally, physically and emotionally. You have no idea what you and anyone lese you bring along means to them. I know you gals might be a little nervous and scared right now, but they will be there for you, stop holding back and just let them. When your in the relationship it's not about you anymore you are in it together. Especially in these types of manners it took both of you to be in this spot. They will be happy. Let them we all love you we will all be here. It's what families do." Noah said wrapping his arm around Eric.

"We're going to be the best uncles ever. We get all the love and all the spoils and than after we hyped them all up we send them back to them to deal with after effects." Eric said laughing. "I love you so much more right now for being so deliciously evil." Noah said kissing him deeply. "Ya ya wait until you guys get one, or better yet have to baby sit." Jaxon said making everyone laugh. After calling and scheduling all the appointments since there was only two of them in town who work in the same building they were actually able to get scheduled for that afternoon. So being as it was only about an hour away they got ready and left. Each of them stayed quiet Noah and Eric told them to meet them at the dinner when they were done and no matter what the news was they would still enjoy a great dinner together.

You're My Personजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें