Chapter 5: The Next Day

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Lexi came in the café taken back by Jessie rocking out to A Reason to Stay by Brett Young. Xavier came in right beside her. Looking at Lexi than turning his head back to her smiling watching her in her happy world. Made his heart smile. "So I take it last night went very well?" Alexia asked him. "Better than I could have hoped for. She's too good for me. Let's hope she don't figure that out. Damn that voice though just goes through you don't it?" He asked her lost in thought. "It always has." Lexi said with a smile as they walked closer to the counter. She was still just going along her own little way.

"I really like the way your head fits on my shoulder, I hate the way the morning's always trying to mess this up. I know. OOOHHH HOLY HELL when did you get here?" Jessie asked holding a hand to her heart. "Oh you know how much we love the free shows. You should really make sure to look around once in awhile." Lexi said using hand gestures around the store. "I want my coffee and one of those long little strudel things that has like whatever berry type jam thing on one side and the cheese part on the half on he inside." Lexi said putting a ten dollar bill on the counter. "Keep the change it's for my encore later." Lexi winked. "Well thank you so much you grace. What say you babe what can I get you?" "I want a strawberry mango smoothie thing you gave me that on time, and what ever muffin you got open, and some kisses and you on the side with extra cuddles." Xavier said with cute smile looking down at her. Making her turn red. She leaned over the counter kissing him good and slow. Cinnamon, blueberry, banana or chocolate muffin?" "The cinnamon please baby." He said placing another ten on the counter. "I want an encore later too, but I'll settle for another date if you're open?" Lexi looked at the two as Jessie handed her food. "I will see you later, call me. Xavier you hurt my girl and they will never find you're body. Send my greetings to that sexy ass cousin of yours." "Sure will. But trust when I say that ass is anything but sexy."

They all laughed as she went out the door. Jessie handing Xavier his stuff. "Seriously though, you want to have dinner with me tonight. I still got to log in some training hours during the day but I have no fights scheduled for two weeks and I was hoping to spend as much time with you as possible. In your down time." "Dinner would be great IF you let me pay?" "I can promise to think about it." He said back. "Baby your mine now you can't mad at me for wanting to spoil ya just a little bit." "Will you let me do the same?" "Just a little bit." He said using his finger to measure a small amount." "Ok deal. I am off at four it takes me like ten minutes to walk home, and about fifteen maybe twenty minutes to shower so anytime after that I can be ready." "Alright I'll get you about 4:45-5. That sound good?" "Perfect." She purred kissing him sweetly. "Now that's a sight I can get used to." Ms. Ellie said smiling at them. "So when did this happen?" She asked. "About six months ago." He answered with a chuckle. She playfully hit his chest. "Yesterday. Plus six months ago." Jessie mumbled. Causing the other two to laugh. "Don't you have training to do or things to lift?" She said walking back to the kitchen going back to work."

"Ya, ya I'm going. How are you Ms. Ellie it is good to see you he said as she walked around to hug her sweet boy. She loved all five of those boys. "You know me still dancing wild and free. I'm so happy you bagged her up. It's about damn time. I was starting to wonder if Eric or Noah was starting to be your flavor, but that damn tent you pitch and try to hide everytime Jess would bend over deep in that display case said different." "MS.ELLIE!!" He said looking back to make sure Jes didn't hear her. "Oh calm down. I wan you to know I have hired a couple of new people and made Eric and Jessie in charge as shift managers. I figured if she's with you her and Eric would be gone to your fights often so might as well make sure to have full staff. I also wan you to know I had to hire six people to be able to do all the work She and Eric can do. SO you better be grateful I'm willing to part with them for half the time." She giggled.

"It's about time to see you this happy, and with someone who honestly cares for you. I swear you would think you hung the moon as much as you capture her attention and feelings. Hell makes me miss it. Than I meet up with my booty call and I'm good." She shrugged. " Ok that's enough of that I'm to meet the boys I'll send them your love." He said as he practically ran out the door. "Did he just leave without saying anything?" Jessie asked a little disappointed. "All I did was talk about my booty call and he high tailed and left like a prude whose tail was on fire." She said "Oh ok I no longer blame him oh look that cakes aren't going to decorate themselves. She said turning around and making her way back in the kitchen. Getting ready for the new hires to come in and jump in the system with her.

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