Chapter 23

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Shelby walked into the apartment and headed straight for the kitchen. She grabbed a glass and poured her self some vodka. Kelly soon came into the apartment and put his stuff down. He walked into the kitchen to find Shelby already drinking.

"You want one?"

"No just a beer." Shelby opened the fridge and pulled out a beer. She slid it across the counter to Kelly. Kelly proceeded to open the beer and take a long swig. "What are you going to do Kelly?"

Kelly sighed. "I have no idea."

"Are you sure it's yours?"

"I don't know Shelby. She just dropped it on me outside. No fucking clue of anything." Kelly took another drink. "If it is mine I am going to be there. I'm not going to be my father."

"I understand Kel." Shelby paused for a second choosing her next words carefully. "I'm starting to feel like this just isn't meant to be."

Kelly put down his beer. "What do you mean?" Kelly was staring at Shelby trying to get a read on what she meant.

"Us Kelly. A relationship should not be this hard and emotional. Every time we get pass something we get smacked in the face with something else."

"Relationships are never meant to be easy."

"But are they meant to be this hard?" Kelly didn't respond. He didn't know what to say. To many emotions in one day. "Kel I think we need to take a break."

"Shelby no."

"Kelly we need this to make sure this is what we want. I've been high on drugs for almost our entire relationship. And then when I wasn't my dad was causing me hell."


"Kelly I'm sorry. I need some space." Shelby walked over and placed a kiss on his cheek. "I'll see you at work." Shelby went to walk away but Kelly grabbed her hand.

"Shelby please don't go."

"Kelly I'm sorry. Our relationship has been nothing but a roller coaster ride. I don't know if I can handle another steep hill. I'll come get my stuff later." Kelly let go of her hand. Shelby walked towards the door and opened it. She stopped and turned her attention back to Kelly. "I love you Kelly and I always will."

Shelby walked out the door closing it behind her. She cried a few tears in front of Kelly's apartment door and then headed out to her car. She got in and drove to Boden's house. She wasn't sure where else to go.

Shelby knocked on the door and Donna answered. "Shelby?"

"Hey Donna is Wallace home?"

"Yes of course come in." She stepped aside to allow shelby to enter. "Wallace we have company!"

Chief Boden came out of the kitchen to see who was there. "Shelby? Is everything okay?"

"I don't know anymore Uncle Boden."

"Come sit down. Talk to us about it." Shelby went and sat in one of the chairs in their living room. Boden and Donna sat on the couch.

"Are relationships suppose to be this hard?" Shelby was trying to hold the tears in.

"What do you mean? What did Kelly do? If he Hurt..."

"Wallace" Donna was warning her husband to calm down.

"No he didn't hurt me...I just feel like we are on a constant roller coaster ride that is never ending. When we got home from Molly's tonight there was this girl waiting for us."

"What did she want?"

"She is claiming she is pregnant and that Kelly is the father."

"Well is it possible?"

"I don't know uncle Boden. I didn't really give him a chance to explain. I just left."

Boden and Donna exchanged a glance. "Did I ever tell you the story about Donna and I?"

"I don't think so."

"Well we had started dating. Donna became pregnant very early into our relationship and I thought it was a good idea to purpose." Boden chuckled and Donna smiled.

"Well she said yes obviously."

"Not at first I didn't. I thought he just asked because I was pregnant and felt like it was the right thing he had to do." Donna took ahold of Boden's hand. "We had called it quits for a bit but then he asked me again. and then I said yes. We have had our share of ups and downs."

Boden smiled at Donna and gave her hand a squeeze. Then turned his attention back to Shelby. "Relationships have there ups and there downs. You just have to decide who you want by your side for those moments. Who is going to hold you tight and keep you standing."

"Kelly has done that for me this whole time."

"Can you do the same for him?"

Shelby sat there lost in thought. She had screwed up. Kelly stayed with her no matter what and the second he needed her she ran. "I need to go home." Shelby stood up to leave. "Thank you. Both of you."

Shelby ran out the door and jumped in her car and headed home. God how could she be so stupid. She parked on the curb and jumped out and ran inside. She unlocked the apartment door and flung it open.

"Kelly!?" Shelby ran through the apartment looking for Kelly. She came to their bedroom door and opened it. There she found Kelly. curled up in bed asleep.

Shelby slipped off her shoes and put her stuff down. She walked over to the bed and pulled the covers back and slipped into bed. She moved closer to Kelly and curled up to him.

Kelly had felt someone lay next to him. He opened his eyes. "Shelby?"

"I'm sorry Kelly. I should have stayed. I shouldn't have left." Shelby rested a hand on his cheek. "I'm going to be there for you always. Just like how you have been there for me. I love you Kelly Severide."

"I love you too." Kelly leaned in and kissed her and pulled her closer. They stayed like this for the night and fell asleep holding one another.

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