Chapter 8

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Kelly opened his eyes. It was so bright. Once he got his eyes to focus he realized he was laying in a hospital bed. He looked to his right and there Casey was asleep in the chair.
"Casey?" Kelly could barely talk which caused him to cough.
His coughing woke Casey. Casey shook his head trying to wake up. "Severide?"
"Hey man."
"Dude you guys scared the shit out of all us."
"What the hell happened?"
"Eric showed back up. He was waiting for two to get home."
"I thought intelligence said he was back in New York."
"They through he was but then they found some footage of him getting off a plan. They rushed over to your guys place."
"Where is he now?"
"Dead. He pointed the gun at Jay so they took him down."
Kelly breathed a sigh of relief. Then he had a flash of what had happened before he passed out. The look of her face. The pool of blood around her.
Casey saw the look and knew what Kelly was thinking about. "Shelby is fine Kelly. She's in the room next door."
Kelly let out a breath. "Oh thank god."
Casey got his serious face on. "But I do have a question for you."
"Did you know she was pregnant?"
Kelly's eyes grew big. "What?"
"It was early in the pregnancy. She may of not even know yet."
"Casey you said was. Did she have a miscarriage?" Kelly could tell by the look on his face that the answer was yes. Kelly let a couple tears slip down his face. "Does she know?"
"No. Doctors think it would be easier coming from you."
"Okay. I'll tell her." Kelly couldn't understand why his heart was breaking. It's not like they had even talked about kids. Hell they had only slept together once.
It was a couple days before they released Kelly. Shelby and him had texted but hadn't seen each other. Their doctors wanted them to rest. Once Kelly was released he went to her room.
When he walked in she was sitting on the edge of the bed dressed in normal clothes. "Looks like we are both getting out of here today."
Shelby hadn't noticed Kelly had entered the room till he spoke. She looked up at him so happy to see him. "Kelly." She went over and gave him a hug.Kelly wrapped his arms around her and held her close. "It's over. Eric is finally out of my life."
He took her face in his hands to have her look at him. "He is out of our lives and we can move forward." Shelby nodded and laid her head against Kelly's Chest.
Casey stepped into the room. "Hey there you guys ready to go?"
"Hey man. Yeah let's get out of here." They had some how managed to get around being wheeled out in a wheel chair. Casey and Kelly helped Shelby into the truck and Kelly slid in next to her.
Casey drove them to their apartment. He then helped them get inside.
"Thank You Casey."
"You're welcome Davis. Is there anything you guys need?"
"No I think we are good." Kelly waved bye to his friend and Casey turned around and left.
"You happy to be home?"
"Definitely." Shelby went and sat down next to Kelly leaning her head on his shoulder.
Kelly placed a hand on her thigh and laid his head on here's. "Hey Shelby?"
"There's something I need to tell you..." Shelby moved her head to look up at Kelly. "Um... Uh... The doctors thought it was best if I told you this." Shelby stared at him waiting for him to spit out whatever it was. "When Eric shot you, you were uh... you were pregnant."
Shelbys face fell and she stared off into space. She was trying to process what Kelly had just said. How did she not know? "You said were? as in I'm not anymore?"
All Kelly could do was nod his head. He didn't know what to say to make this any easier. He just wrapped her in a hug and pulled her close while she tried to process what he just said.
Then out of no where it hit her like a ton of bricks. She just broke down crying. How much was this man going to take from her? He had ruined her life for so many years.
Kelly pulled her into his lap and let her cry. "Shhh it's okay. I'll be okay." Kelly was rubbing her hair trying to comfort her. At some point Shelby had fallen asleep while crying.
Kelly thought about trying to carry her to his room but the he remembered his shoulder and didn't want to cause any damage. So he made himself as comfortable as possible and fell asleep on the couch holding her close.
1 Month Later
Shelby and Kelly had made a full recovery physically. Mentally Shelby was still trying to process everything. She didn't realize how much she wanted to be a mother till she lost one that she didn't even know she had.
She looked up to see Sylvie standing over her bed. "Hey Brett. What's up?"
"I just wanted to come and talk to you and see how you are doing?" Sylvie sat down on the bunk next to Shelbys.
Shelby sighed. "I... I'm dealing." Shelby was playing with her hands trying to figure out what to say. "I didn't realize how much I wanted to be a mother till all of this happened."
"I can't say how I know your feeling but I'm sure you will make a great mom one day."
"Sylvie, I'm in my 30s my biological clock has started ticking. "
"Girl please you still have time." Sylvie playfully hit her arm. "Hey want to help me do inventory?"
"Uh sure. Maybe keeping myself busy will help." We get up and go out to the ambulance to start counting inventory.
Kelly was sitting at the squad table with his guys playing cards when the girls walked out. She knew Shelby was struggling with everything and he just didn't know how to help her. "Lieutenant?" Cruz voice brought Kelly out of his thoughts.
"Your turn."
"Oh right sorry." Kelly made his play.
"Severide you okay?"
"I just wish I knew what to do to help Shelby feel better. She's been talking to Doctor Charles but I just feel so useless."
"Have you two ever been on an official date? And i'm not talking about drinking at Molly's."
"Uh..." Kelly through about it for a minute and realized Capp was right. They hadn't actually gone on date. "You know Capp I don't think we have."
"Maybe having a night out would do her some good."
The wheels and Kelly's head started turning. Trying to think of a perfect date for the two of them. After a few minutes he got and walked over to the Ambulance. "Hey Shelby?"
Shelby was sitting on the gurney counting the supplies. "Yeah Kelly?" she hadn't even looked up.
"How would you feel about getting dressed up Friday night?" Shelby was now looking at him confused. "Have a nice dinner and maybe go out dancing?"
A smile crept onto her face."I'd like that Kelly."
"Perfect. It's a date." Kelly left letting her get back to counting the inventory.
"Ooo dancing with Severide." Sylvie was smiling at her.
Shelby just laughed. "It should be fun."
"Well duh it's Severide. Whatcha gonna wear?"
"I uh..." Shelby was trying to go through the stuff she had in her head.
"That settles it. We are going shopping after shift."
But Sylvie cut her off. "No. We need to find you something cute to wear."
Gabby was walking by at this exact moment. "What do we need something cute for?"
"Severide is taking Shelby on a date on Friday. Want to go shopping after shift?"
"Ooo yes. I need some girl time."
Well that was that. The girls were going to go shopping after shift. Later that afternoon Shelby found her way to Kelly's office.
She let herself in and collapsed on his bed. "This is all your fault."
Kelly turned to look at her laying on his bed looking so beautiful. "What's my fault?"
Shelby sat up on her elbows and looked at Kelly. "The girls want to go shopping after shift. and no Kelly before you say anything. Just because I'm a girl does not mean I automatically like shopping." Shelby just laid back down throwing her arm over eyes.
"So dramatic." Kelly just laugh and Shelby flipped him off. "Maybe later." Shelby just rolled her eyes at Kelly.
"If I'm gone for more than 2 hours or you don't hear from me send a search party."
Kelly got up from his desk and walked over and sat on the bed next to her. "You got it." Kelly leaned down and connected their lips.
The sweet innocent kiss turned into a hot and needy one. Kelly climbed onto of Shelby. His right hand was traveling up and down her side.
Shelby had her hands in Kelly's hair pulling him deeper into the kiss. Keep pressed his hips into her. She let out a little moan.
The moan made reality hit her hard in the face. She put her hands on his chest to push him back a bit. "Kelly we are at work. If someone catches us we are screwed."
Kelly knew she was right. "Ugh I know." He climbed off of her allowing her to sit up.
Shelby walked over and got with in an inch of Kelly's lips. "To be continued at home." She rubbed her hand against the bulge growing in his pants. His eyes rolled to the back of his head. Shelby just smiled and left the room.
"Women you are going to be the death of me!" Kelly went and took a cold shower so he could concentrate for the rest of the shift.

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