Chapter 6

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Things were finally liking up for Shelby. She had found a family that she so desperately needed. She was starting a new relationship with a man who truly cared about her. She was trying to stop taking pain meds but it was a slow process. She had some errands to run and told Kelly she would meet him at Molly's that night.
Kelly headed to Molly's around 7pm and took a seat at the bar.
Hermann walked over to Kelly. "Whatcha having tonight Lieutenant?"
"I think tonight I will go with Whisky."
"Change it up are we?" Hermann started the pour him a glass. "Here you go Lieutenant"
Hermann sat the drink down in front of Kelly. "Thanks Hermann. " Kelly took a sip of his whiskey. He was a couple drinks in and Shelby still hadn't shown. He had called and texted but no response.
"You meeting someone Severide?"
"Shelby was suppose to join me tonight but I haven't heard from her." They hadn't disclosed their relationship with the rest of the firehouse.
"She must of gotten held up. I'm sure she will be here soon." Hermann went back to cleaning glasses.
"Whatcha drinking?" Kelly looked to his left to see a tall blonde standing next to him.
"Mind if I take a seat?" She didn't even give Kelly a chance to respond she sat down. "Excuse can we get two Whisky's?"
Hermann gave the women a nod and poured the drinks. "Here ya go."
"Thanks for the drink but I'm waiting on someone."
"Well whoever she is must be running late because you have been sitting her a while. Besides we are not doing anything. Just two people having a drink together."
Shelby was back at Mikes house to get another refill.
"Hey there. I haven't seen you for a bit." Mike stepped aside allowing her in. "You haven't found another supplier have you?"
Shelby laughed "No just a little strapped for cash right now."
"Ah well let me grab you some." Mike went and filled her bottle and came back out. "Here ya go."
Shelby took the bottle from Mike and handed him the cash. "Thanks."
"Want to take some and sit for a bit?"
Shelby looked at her phone and saw it was only 6:30 she still had time to meet Kelly. "Sure why not." Shelby sat down on the couch take 5 pills.
Mike was smoking some weed. Here passed it to her to take a hit. The combination of the pills and weed sent her head into a spin. She just sat there on the couch enjoying her high. Before she knew it it was 9pm
"Mike is that the right time?" Shelby pointed to the clock on the wall.
"Yeah its right. Why you got somewhere to be?"
"Fuck. Yeah I was meeting some friends tonight. I gotta go." Shelby waved bye to Mike and headed out the door. She realized her phone was dead. She threw it on her car charger and started driving to Molly's.
When she walked into Molly's she started looking around for Kelly. She spotted him over by the bar. She started walking over there when she noticed someone sitting with him. They were both laughing and looked like they were having a good time. Kelly had his hand on her thigh.
Shelbys stomach was turning. How could this be happening? Kelly was so perfect.
The blonde had caught sight of Shelby and noticed she was staring. "Hey I think your friend is here."
Kelly turned around to see Shelby standing there. He could see the hurt on her face. Shelby turned around and left. "Shelby!?" Kelly jumped up and ran after her. "Shelby stop. Please wait!"
Kelly reached out and grabbed her arm. Shelby jerked her arm out of his grasp. She then turned around and slapped him. "Leave me alone Kelly. I saw you in there. How happy you looked. And you had your hand on her thigh."
"Shelby come on. That's not at all what was going on."
Shelby opened her car door to climb inside. "Save it Kelly. I've heard the player stories about you. I was stupid to think you had changed." Shelby slammed her car door shut and took off.
"Shelby!" She left him there standing no in the middle of the street. "Fuck!" Kelly was pissed at himself. He knew she had trust issues.
Kelly walked back into Molly's to pay his tab and leave. He didn't even pay any attention to the blonde he was talking too ."See you tomorrow Hermann."
"See ya lieutenant!"
Kelly left and headed home. When he pulled in he saw Shelbys car. He went up to their apartment and walked in. All the lights were off.
He walked to her door and knocked. "Shelby? Can we please talk about this?" Kelly tried to open the door but she had locked it. "You know where I am if you want to talk."
Kelly went to his room slamming the door. He laid down on his bed feeling so guilty and pissed off.
Shelby was laying in her room crying. She took a few more pills to forget.
The next Morning
They were on shift that day. Shelby still hadn't come out of her room. Kelly went and knocked on her door. "Shelby we are going to be late." No response. "I'm sorry about last night I fucked up." He tried the door handle again. It was still locked. "I'm going to head to work. I guess see you there."
Kelly left the apartment and headed into 51. When he arrived he went to Chief Boden's office to cover for her. He didn't want her in trouble for his stupid mistake.
Kelly knocked on Chiefs door.
"Come on in"
Kelly walked into Boden's office. "Hey Chief I wanted to let you know. I think Shelby is sick. She wouldn't come out of her room this morning."
"She's already called me lieutenant. She is out sick for this shift."
"Oh okay good. Glad she called you." Kelly left Chiefs office and went to get changed for shift.
Once Shelby heard the apartment door closed. She got up and unlocked her door. She waited a few more minutes and then left the apartment. She headed back to Mikes to pick up some weed. She wanted that same high that she had last night.
Once she got back home. She locked herself in her room again. She took 7 pills and took a couple hits. It didn't take long before she started to feel the affects. She laid in bed enjoying the feeling of being free and euphoric.
Squad, Truck, and Ambo were finishing up on a call not to far from his apartment.
Kelly got on his radio "Hey can we swing by my apartment since we are so close. I want to check on Shelby."
"Sure thing Kelly. We can all headed over there real quick."
"Thanks Casey." They loaded up and head towards Kelly's place. "I'll be right back guys." Kelly went inside to his apartment.
Kelly smelled something when he walked in. But surely not. Was that weed he was smelling? He went to her door and knocked "Shelby?" He tried the handle and it was still locked. "Can you please open the door so I at least know you are okay?" Still no response. "Fine if you won't open I am kicking the door in."
Kelly waited another minute before kicking the door in. He walked in and saw her laying on her bed. He walked over and tried to wake her. "Shelby?" She wouldn't wake. Kelly rolled her over and still got nothing.
He looked over to her night stand. The pill bottle and weed were sitting there. Kelly immediately got on his radio. "Brett dawson I need you up her now!"
Back outside everyone was sitting in the trucks waiting for Kelly to come back out but then they heard his voice come over the radio. Everyone jumped and ran inside.
Sylvie ran into Shelbys room. "Kelly what's wrong?" Kelly had Shelby on the floor doing CPR.
"I think she is Overdosing." Brett and Dawson jumped into action. Dawson intubated her while Brett got the Defibrillator set up. Kelly ripped open her shirt so Brett could put the pads on her.
"Charging... Stand back... Clear!" The shock was delivered causing Shelbys body to arch up. They looked at the machine waiting to see if her heart started again. "Start CPR" Kelly went back to doing CPR
"Come on Shelby. Do not do this!" Kelly had tears coming down his cheeks.
Dawson had started a line to get fluids in her. "I'm pushing narcan" Dawson drew up the medication and injected into Shelby. "Shock her again brett."
"Charging... Stand back... Clear!"

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