Chapter 1

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Shelby stepped out of her Shelby GT500 black mustang grabbing her bag. She looked up at the firehouse. Here she was at firehouse 51 beginning her career as a paramedic in Chicago. She grew up in New York. Her father was a firefighter and she remembered the day 9-11 happened. Her mother was so scared her father wouldn't come home but he did. It was from that day forward she knew she wanted to help people. Seeing the chaos and heartbreak that day brought.

She walked up the drive and entered the bay area where all the trucks were. There were a couple guys sitting at a table chatting and laughing. An older gentleman walked up to her. "Can I help you Ms?"

"Yes hi. My name is Shelby Davis. I'm here to see Chief Boden." Shelby stuck out her hand.

"My name Christopher Hermann." He took her hand and gave it a shake. "Let me take you to Chiefs office." Chris led the way to Chief Boden's office. He gave a little knock.

"Come in." Boden called out from the other side of the door.

Hermann opened the door. "Chief I found Ms..."

But Hermann was cut off by Boden " Shelby? No it can't be. The last time I saw you you barely came up to my waist." Boden came out from behind his desk to give her a hug.

"Hey uncle Boden." Shelby returned the hug.
"So what brings you to Chicago?"

"Well looks like I'm working here. I'm your new paramedic."

Chief leaned against his desk and folded his arms. "I knew we were getting a new paramedic but they wouldn't tell me who."

Shelby let out a little laugh. "That would be because of me. I asked them not to tell you."

Boden just smiled "I should of know. How's your father doing?"

"He's good. He's the Fire commissioner in New York."

"No kidding. That's great."

"I came to Chicago to work so I wouldn't be under him thumb and maybe people wouldn't treat me different because I'm his daughter."

"Well we are happy to have you. Hermann can you give her the tour and introduce her to everyone?"

"Sure thing Chief." Shelby gave Chief a hug and left following Hermann. He first led her to the locker room to drop off her bag.

When they entered the locker room there was short blond girl putting things into the a locker. "Ah Sylvie there you are. This is your new partner on 61."

Shelby extended her hand. "Shelby Davis."

Sylvie shook her hand. "Sylvie Brett."

"Shelby is from New York."

"No kidding. What brought you here?"

"Needed a change of scenery." Shelby was going to keep who her father was to herself.

Even though her father didn't have any authority in Chicago, she didn't want everyone walking on egg shells around her. She knew how firefighters were. No matter what state they were from.

"Well we are happy to have you. I'm going to get breakfast before Otis eats it all." Sylvia waved bye and headed out of the locker room.

Hermann showed Shelby her locker and allowed her to stick her bag inside. He then took her into the rec room. "Hey everyone. This is Shelby Davis and she is our new paramedic on 61." Everyone said Hi and gave her a wave. " So everyone in here is on truck 81. That there is lieutenant Casey. Then there's Otis, Dawson, and Mouch." Hermann was pointing at everyone as he said their name.

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