Chapter 2

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It had been a couple days since the night at Molly's. Shelby parked her car and walked into the firehouse.
"Davis!" Shelby looked up to see Sylvie waving at her. She was standing by the squad table.
Shelby walked over. "Hey Sylvie."
"So what happened to you the other night? We saw you leave with Jay."
Shelby just kind of smiled. "I don't kiss and tell Sylvie."
Sylvie playfully hit her arm. "Oh he so went to your place afterwards!"
Shelby just kind of shrugged her shoulders.
"So are you two like a thing now?"
Shelby just looked at Sylvie raising an eyebrow. "So that automatically makes us a couple? I was just looking for a little fun. I don't want anything serious right now."
Sylvie just put her hands up. "No judgment here. I totally understand." The two girls walked into the firehouse.
Cruz just looked at Severide. "What did I tell you. She is the female version of you." Everyone at the table, but Kelly, just started laughing.
Shelby had been working at 51 for little over two months now. She fit right in with the 51 family. Chicago's leaves were starting to turn as fall was right around the corner.
Shelby headed inside the firehouse and headed for the whiteboard room. Boden had sent out a text for everyone to meet there first thing this morning. She took a seat next to sylvie.
"What is this about?"
"No clue. "
Everyone soon filed in. A few minutes later Chief Boden walked in. "Alright I won't keep you guys for long. But we have someone visiting today and I wanted to introduce him to you guys." Boden paused and looked at his team. "We are very honored to have the Fire Commissioner from New York, Paul Davis joining us."
In walked Shelbys dad. Her heart dropped into her stomach. She had no idea he was coming. She had made it very clear why she left New York. She thought Boden might of also warned her that he was coming to Chicago.
"Hello everyone. Please don't be intimidated by me being here. I'm just another firefighter like the rest of you."
Shelby just kept sinking down into her seat hoping no one had made the connection. Then her dad smiled at her. Too late now. Is what she thought to herself.
"Princess how are you?" Her dad opened his arms for a hug.
"Hey dad." Shelby got up and gave him a hug. "I'm good. What brings you here?"
Kelly just looked at Casey and mouthed. "That's here dad?" Casey just shrugged his shoulders.
"Well I wanted to see how you were settling in. You should if told me who your Chief was."
Ambulance 61 Truck 81 Squad 3 House fire
Save by the bells.
"Sorry dad have to go." Shelby quickly left and Jumped in 61.
Sylvie jumped into the drivers seat. "So that's your dad?"
"Yeah." This was not a conversation Shelby was wanting to have. She just wanted to act like it was nothing.
"Woah I can see why you wanted to leave New York. Talk about not being able to have a normal career."
"Tell me about it." Sylvie took off towards the house fire.
A few hours later everyone pulled back into the firehouse. They were all exhausted. Shelby made a beeline for the sleeping quarters. Wanting to avoid her dad at all cost.
Kelly walked in and saw she was trying to hide by sitting on the floor by her bed. "Hey Davis."
Shelby practically jumped. She hadn't notice anyone had entered the room. "Jesus Severide. Will you keep it down."
"If your trying to hide. You can hide in my office."
Shelby nodded and followed Kelly to his office. He closed the door. Shelby went over and sat on his bed.
Kelly sat in his chair leaning back slightly. "So why are you hiding?"
"Because I don't really want to talk to my dad. It'll become this big thing and he is going to try and convince me to come home."
"Oh and why don't you want to go home?"
"Because I want to make it on my own. Not because my dad is the Fire commissioner."
Kelly totally understood. He wanted to do the same without living in Bennys shadow. "I get it."
"Why because of your dad?"
Kelly just looked at her like how did she know?
Shelby just sighed. "Your dad came up to New York when 9-11 happened. My dad, Chief Boden, and your dad all became close. They stayed the majority of time at our house when they weren't at ground zero."
It was like a light bulb clicked on i. Kelly's head. "That's where I recognized your last name from."
Shelby sighed "Can we not make a big deal about it?"
"No worries." Shelby was just laying on his bed trying to stay hidden for as long as possible. "Want me to go see if he's still here?"
"Yes please."
Kelly nodded and walked out of his office closing the door. Kelly came back about 5 minutes later. "Hey he's gone. Boden said he went to his hotel to relax."
Shelby breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank god." Shelby stood up and made her way to leave. "Thanks Severide."
"Don't mention it. Anytime you need to hide just come to my office." Kelly flashed her the oh so charming Severide smile. Shelby felt herself blushing and quickly made her way out of his office.
Shift was finally over. Shelby was exhausted. She was walking out to her car. But there was a man standing by her car. She just stopped and stared at him. Severide and Casey were walking right behind her.
The guy came walking over. "Hey baby."
"Eric? What the hell are you doing here?"
"I came to see you. I hate how we left things." He took a step closer to her.
she took a step back. "Eric I left for a reason. You cheated. I wasn't going to stick around for that."
"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?"
"You can say it a million times but it won't make a difference." Then it hit Shelby. "That's why my dad is here. He wants me to forgive you and go home. He thinks if we work things out I'll come home."
Eric stepped forward and grabbed her hand. "Shelby please?"
Shelby jerked her hand back. "No Eric. Do not touch me! Go back to New York and leave me alone."
"Baby please? I said I was sorry."
Kelly and Casey stepped up beside her. "Hey man you should go. She clearly doesn't want to talk to you."
"And who are you two?"
"Were her Lieutenants."
Eric just laughed. "Yeah well I was her Capitan when we met."
"Eric please just leave. I've started a new life. And I'm happy."
His face turned cold. "I want the ring back then."
"Fine by me. I don't want it. Follow me to my apartment and I'll get it for you."
"Lead the way princess." Eric turned around and started walking towards his car.
Shelby turned to look at Casey and Severide. "Uh thanks."
"You going to be okay?" Severide had this look of worry on his face.
"I'll be fine. Eric is harmless. " Shelby gave them a smile and walked away. She got into her car and started the engine.
"Casey I don't like that guy."
"Me neither Severide." They watched the two of them leave.
Shelby pulled up to her apartment and got out of her car. Eric followed her upstairs. Shelby opened the apartment and they stepped inside. "Wait here. I'll go get it."
Shelby went off down the hall leaving Eric in her living room. She got the ring box out of her room. She walked back into the living room and held it out for Eric to take.
Eric looked at the box and then looked up at her. "So this is really it? Your just going to throw away everything we have?"
"Yes it is Eric. I can't sit at home and wonder if you are with someone else. You threw it away when you decided to cheat." She was trying to keep a straight face. She didn't want to give Eric anything to try and use against her.
Eric took the ring box. "I guess I'll call your dad and let him know."
Shelby gave him a nod "The sooner you two leave the sooner I can get back to my new life." She walked him to the door. "Goodbye Eric."
"Goodbye Shelby." Eric left and Shelby closed the door.
She started crying and she didn't know why. After all he had hurt her and betrayed her. But it still hurt.
Shelby grabbed a beer and sat on her couch and started drinking.
Shelby woke up a little while later not even realizing she had fallen asleep. There was someone pounding on her door. "Hang on!" She picked up her phone to see it was midnight.
She rolled off the couch and made her way to the front door. She opened the door to see Eric standing there and he was clearly drunk. She could smell the alcohol on him. "Eric what are you doing here?" She was trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes.
"I can't leave without you."
Shelby sighed. "Eric go sleep it off. Everything will be okay." Shelby tried to close the door but Eric put his hand in the way and pushed his way in. "Eric you need to leave."
"After everything we've been through your just going to throw it all away?!?!" Eric was yelling at her.
Shelby took a step back "You threw it away when you slept with Ashley. Now leave or I'll call the police."
Shelby had her phone in her hand. Eric snatched it threw it on the ground and stepped on it. "Now what are you going to do princesses?" Shelby was starting to get nervous. She remembered the times before when he was this angry.
Eric grabbed her and slammed her into the wall. Her head hit hard and she fell to the floor. "Eric stop."
Eric kicked her in her side. "Why? I wouldn't of gone else where if you would of treated me right."
Shelby was holding her stomach and looked up at him. "I did everything you ever asked." Her voice was shaking. Eric swung down and punched her in the face.
"If I can't have you. Then no one can." Eric began hitting and kicking her. At some point she had passed out.
When she woke up it was 2am. Her head was pounding. She got her eyes to focus and she looked around no sign of Eric.
She crawled over and picked up her phone. "Fuck." The screen was shattered. Shelby got to her feet. She knew she need to go to the hospital. But she also knew she shouldn't drive. None of her neighbors were very friendly.
She realized she only had one choice. She put some shoes on and pulled on a jacket and headed out into the Chicago night. The only place she figured she could go was to Molly's. It was close enough that she thought she could make it.
She made the walk there. Every step hurt and she didn't know if she would make it. It was almost time for last call. She opened the door to the bar.
Hermann and Dawson were behind the bar. Kelly and Casey were sitting there talking. Having a few waiting for them to close up.
Hermann was the first to notice her. "Oh my god."
That caught everyone else attention and they looked over to see Shelby walking through the door. She looked like hell. Kelly Jumped up and ran over to her. Just as he reached her she passed out. Kelly caught he and lowered her to the floor. "Dawson call for an ambulance!"
Casey and Hermann had join Kelly and was trying to make sure she was breathing. Dawson called 911.
Kelly just looked at Casey. "Eric."
Hermann looked at his lieutenants. "Whose Eric?"
"Eric is her ex fiancé."
The paramedics showed up about 5 minutes later. They got her loaded into the Ambo. Kelly, Casey, Dawnson all hopped into Kelly's Car and they took off towards med.
Hermann stayed back and closed up the bar. Once he was done, he headed to the hospital.

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