Dare #5

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@LuminaNeko ClawStrike: WHOOPS MY BAD! Imma just crazy....ok now let's see...oh oh oh. I dare everyone except my parental units to go into an all put game humans like to call paintball, but my twist is that if you hit the helm you get double points. Make sure to record every thing and Cheetor you excused too. You can take pics

Darkspeed: *grinning at the dare on his data-pad before looking up at everybot who have a Cybertronian paintball gun each* Alright everybot this dare is for us to play paintball Optimus, Ratchet and Cheetor are excused for some damn reason but anyway ClawStrike's twist for us is if you hit somebot in the helm you get double the points!

Hot-Rod: *raises servo*

Darkspeed: *nods at Hot-Rod* Yes Hot-Rod

Hot-Rod: *lowers servo* Are we on teams?

Darkspeed: *shakes helm* Nope! *grins* This is a free for all fragger! *slowly looks at everybot* AND WE START NOW!!!!

Everybot: *runs off*

Darkspeed: *laughs darkly* Oh~ This is going to be fun~

Cheetor: *holding a camera* Darkspeed please don't offline anybot!

Darkspeed: *hums giving a glance at his sparkmate* Yea sure Cheetor.....No promises tho! *storks off whispering something that would send shivers down anybot's back-struts* I will kill you all

1 Hour Later

Darkspeed: *in the reck-room with everybot else having a paintball showdown* I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!!!!!!

Grimlock: *shooting at Prowl* THIS IS NOT A WAR MY FRIEND!!!!

Darkspeed: *laughs evilly* YEA RIGHT IF IT ISN'T A WAR THEN WHY DO WE HAVE GUNS HUH!!!!!!! *shoots Grimlock in the helm making fall backwards*

Grimlock: *groans* I can now see your point my friend and I must say....That hurt!

Darkspeed: *laughing like a crazy mech shooting at anything and everything*

Hot-Rod: *yelps ducking* Alright if that's how your going to play *looks at everybot else* OK GUYS WE NEED TO ALL GANG UP ON DARKSPEED!!!!!!


Bumblebee: *holds up paintball gun* THEN LET'S DO THIS!!!!

Everybot: *starts shooting at Darkspeed with no mercy* 

Darkspeed: *laughing evilly dodging every paintball*

Hot-Rod: *optics wide* HOW IS HE DONG THAT!!!!!!

Wheeljack: *narrows optics* I DON'T KNOW BUT WE MUST STOP HIM!!!!!!!

Everybot: *starts shooting at Darkspeed rapidly*

Darkspeed: *starts shooting at them again hitting Hot-Rod, Bumblebee, Wheeljack, Drift and Proceptor in their helms making them fall backwards from the force*

Hot-Rod: *wide optic on the ground* Oh

Bumblebee: *on the ground* My

Wheeljack: *on the ground* Primus

Drift: *on the ground groaning* That

Proceptor: *on the ground* Fragging

All five of them: *groaning* HURT LIKE PIT!!!!!!!

Darkspeed: *grinning like mad looking at them before turning to Prowl* Well well well if it isn't the Autobot police officer Prowl~ To what do I own the pleasure!~

Prowl: *growls* Darkspeed stop this now! This isn't who you are anymore!

Darkspeed: *laughs evilly with a smirk to match* Oh Prowl~ You don't know me *growls* If you did....You would know....THAT THIS IS HOW I'VE ALWAYS BEEN!!!!!! *starts shooting at Prowl*

Prowl: *skilfully dodges every shot* NO DARKSPEED THIS IS WHO YOU WERE AS A CON YOU ARE NO LONGER THAT BOT!!!!!!!

Darkspeed: *stops shooting for a second lowering his gun slightly he glares at Prowl* You don't know me Prowl....You don't know what sets me off *starts shaking slightly and whispers* Nobot does

Prowl: *lowers gun slightly* Huh? What do you mean Darkspeed?

Darkspeed: *shakes more as a loud growl leaves him helm snapping up he looks at Prowl with crazy optics before roaring* NOBOT GETS ME AND NOBOT EVER WILL BECAUSE NOBOT LISTENS!!!!!!!! 

Prowl: *optics widen* What!?!

Darkspeed: *shoots at Prowl with a crazy fire burning in his optics*

Prowl: *yells as he dodges and starts shooting at Darkspeed*


Prowl: *keeps dodging before tripping over Wheeljack*

Darkspeed: *shoots at Prowl several times hitting Prowl 6 times in the helm*

Prowl: *falls to the ground faceplate first unmoving*

Darkspeed: *chuckles evilly* AHAHAHA!!!...*grins* I win!

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