31 - He Told Charlie

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"She loves you, doesn't she?" Bella asks with a hint of jealousy in her voice as she watches Renesmee play with the ball of light I made her. "Don't be jealous, Bella," Edward says, catching on to the tone of her voice as well. "I should be. She's known Renesmee longer than I have," she says with a teasing smile. "Time to measure," Carlisle says. Renesmee caught on to this and crawled over to me, where I propped her up. "Ok. Stay very still," Carlisle says. "She already knew that. She's very smart," Edward says. Carlisle chuckles as he measures Renesmee with a measuring tape. "She's not growing as much as yesterday if we're being precise," Carlisle says, scribbling something in his notebook. Renesmee giggles and pats my face. An image of Bella appears. "She wants you, Bella," I say. Bella grins and gladly accepts her daughter.

"Oh, I almost forgot! We have a present for you, Bella!" Alice exclaims. "Happy birthday," Alice says, tossing Bella a pair of keys. "I stopped aging three days ago," Bella protests. Alice frowns. "We're still celebrating," she says. "What is this?" Bella asks, holding up the keys. "A gift. For you, Edward and Renesmee," Alice says. "Esme and I decorated it. It's in the forest," Alice explains. "I wonder what it is," Bella mutters. "A house!" Alice says. They got her a house? "A... house? Alice, I can't accept that as a birthday gift," Bella says. "Consider it a honeymoon gift, honey," Esme says. "Alright. I'll visit it tomorrow," Bella says.

"I've been thinking. When can I see Charlie?" Bella says, crossing her legs. "Bella. You know you can't do that," Edward says gently. "I know, but-" Bella starts. "We've been planning on moving. Somewhere away from here. And soon. By next week, probably," Carlisle says. "But our life is here. In Forks," Rosalie complains. "Rosalie. You have to consider others," Carlisle says. "Did you? Did you consider my feelings about this? Or Brooke's? Is she coming with us?" Rosalie protests. "Brooke is very welcome to come with us if she wants," Carlisle says. "I think I might go back to London. I came here because Cedric died but seeing that he's very happy here, there's no reason for me to stay," I say. Truth was, I missed my family and friends. But the Cullens were my friends and they treated me like family. I didn't want to bother them with my presence anymore. "If Brooke's not going, then neither then I. And if I'm not going, then Emmett isn't either. If Emmett isn't, then Jasper isn't. If Jasper isn't, then Alice won't either. So you, Bella, Edward, Renesmee, and Esme can leave, but we're staying" Rosalie says stubbornly. "Rosalie, please," Edward says, rubbing his eyes. "There is no way I'm leaving," Rosalie says with finality.

"Rosalie. We have to," Carlisle says. "Why? Why do we have to? Just because Charlie can't see Bella? All this for Bella. We have to redo our lives for Bella. Again," Rosalie says sourly. "Oh, so this is how it is now? As soon as Renesmee leaves Bella's stomach, you go back to hating Bella? I wonder. What were your original intentions?" Jacob asks. "This is none of your business, mutt. Stay out of it or I will kill you," Rosalie says. "Alright. Sure. Kill me. Don't complain if you can't get werewolf guts out of your hair for the rest of your life," Jacob says. "How dare-" Rosalie starts. "Rosalie Hale," Carlisle says with more warning in his voice. "What? Just because you use my real name does not mean anything. In case you haven't realized, you aren't my parents. My parents died a century ago," Rosalie growls. "Rose. Don't be a bitch," Emmett jokes, trying to lighten the mood. "I- Fine. Whatever. Leave," Rosalie says, storming away. Esme looks at me and Emmett. "I'll check on her," I say.

"No mascara?" I ask as I watch Rosalie cry silently, no sign of mascara running down her cheeks. "I just. Don't know why I'm like this," she says, blinking tears away. "Carlisle and Esme. They've treated me so well ever since I turned. I was so bitchy to them tonight. I just don't want to have to start over," Rosalie continues. "Do you know what it's like to restart your life every few years? I hate it. And you're not coming with us either. I mean, you're my best friend. Basically a sister. I can't just leave you. I need emotional support. Who else is going to tell me that I look fabulous and stunning? Emmet, sure. But it means more from you. And who will come shopping with me then?" Rosalie sobs. "If it means that much to you, I'll come," I say. "That's not the point. It wasn't this hard as a human. I'd do anything to be human again," she says. "But you're not human. You're Rosalie and that's a thousand times better," I say. She smiles at this. "I am, aren't I?" she asks. I nod reassuringly.

"I'm very sorry for being a bitch yesterday. We can go wherever to keep Charlie safe," Rosalie says the next morning. "All is well. No harm done," Carlisle says from behind his computer. "What's got you in such a good mood?" Esme teases as she rests her chin on Carlisle's shoulder. "What's that?" she asks, looking at the screen. "Footage. Magic," Carlisle says. "Ooh. Is that my magic?" I ask, looking at the screen. "Yes. It's just so strange and fascinating. I have no idea how it works," Carlisle says. "Well, while you're doing that, I'm going to go do some organizing," Esme says. "Oh! We should start packing soon if we're going to leave," Esme says, stopping suddenly. "Actually, you won't have to," Jacob says, appearing at the door. "What?" Rosalie asks, hope filling her face. "What did you do!" Edward growls, storming into the room. "I did you guys a favor," Jacob hisses. "Edward, what did he do?" Rosalie asks. "He told Charlie."

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