34 - Eavesdropping, Really?

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"Remember Defense the Dark Arts? The one time we took a test on vampires?" I ask. "Yes," Heather answers. "Well, I had a run-in with a coven of vampires. The Cullens. Mostly Edward Cullen, who looked like Cedric. Anyways I hung out with them and helped them out when they needed it and they helped me when I needed help. They don't feed on humans and well- one of their enemies attacked me and I'm a vampire now. B-But not a full vampire. Half-vampire and half-witch. Now they need help again and they asked me to gather witnesses so I thought maybe it was time to return and ask for a favor," I say. "You're a vampire now?" Ernie asks. "Yes, but I don't need blood to survive. Sooo, do you guys feel like visiting Forks?" I ask hopefully. "Sure. Why not?" Heather asks, looking at Ernie. "I'm down," Ernie says with a smile.

"So if you're a vampire now, that means you can't die?" Ernie asks. "Did you pass your test? That's basic knowledge," I say. Ernie rolls his eyes. "You're even kind of sparkly," he says, looking at the part of my skin that was currently exposed to the sun. "Yes. That's what vampires do. They sparkle," I say, turning my car. "Nice car. I prefer broomsticks," Ernie says. "Edward gave it to me," I say, turning once more. "Oh right. I forgot to say. You might be surprised by how he looks," I say, pulling into the driveway. "Nothing we can't handle," Heather says. "Nice house. Too many windows," Ernie says, getting out of the car.

"I'm back," I say. "Yeah, we heard," Rosalie says. "Too many windows?" Emmett asks. "You heard that?" Ernie asks. "Vampires have excellent hearing," Edward says. Heather and Ernie turn around. "Cedric?" Heather asks. "Uh, no. Edward Cullen," he says. "Told you you'd be surprised," I say. "I see why you stayed so long," Heather teases. "He loves my mom," Renesmee says, joining the conversation. "That's Renesmee. Edward and Bella's daughter," I say. "Is Bella?" Ernie asks. "A vampire? Yes," I say. "I might have failed that quiz, but she's an immortal child," Ernie says. "She's not an immortal child. Bella gave birth to her while she was human," Edward explains. "While- then how is she still alive?" Heather asks. "As soon as the baby was out, she was turned," Edward says. "So. Ever heard anything like that before?" I ask hopefully. "No. Why are we here?" Ernie asks. "The Volturi. They're coming for us because they think Renesmee is an immortal child," Edward says. "So we're going into battle? Count me in!" Ernie says.

Ernie is getting along well with the Cullens but Heather's a bit distant. "You know how Ernie said that he's never heard of something like Renesmee? Well I have," Heather tells me. "What?" I ask. "I've been pretty interested in vampires ever since our first mirror call. I read every single vampire book in the library during my free time in Hogwarts. I remember reading something about a vampire having children with a human but in all those readings, I don't remember a thing about the human he used surviving after giving birth," Heather says. "So it's possible. Renesmee's not the first," I whisper.

"So you're saying, Renesmee's not the first of her kind?" Edward asks when I tell him about what Heather told me. "Yes. But in every previous case, the 'Bella' figure has died after giving birth," I say. "And where are the non immortal half human baby vampires?" Edward asks. "No idea," I say, shaking my head. "Well, Bella, Renesmee, Jacob and I are going to the Denali clan and we're going to try to get them to help us today," Edward says. "Alright, I'll try to look deeper into the story with Heather and Ernie," I say. "Alright. See you soon," he says with a small smile.

"That was interesting," Heather says. I turn around and see Heather. "Evesdropping? Really? That's Poppy's thing," I say with a grin. "Well if I didn't know better, you still have feelings for him," Heather says, raising an eyebrow. "What? He's married, Heather!" I say. "Doesn't mean you can't like him," Heather teases. "Heatherrr," I groan. "What? It's the truth," she says with a teasing smile. "It is the truth. But you know what else is the truth? The fact that I can't do anything about it. He's deeply in love with Bella. He's happy with Bella and I'm not going to ruin that," I sigh, plopping onto the sofa. "Bad luck in the love department?" Ernie asks, entering the room. "Not you too. Seriously you too. No more eavesdropping," I say, getting up. "She's really got a terrible love life," Ernie whispers as I rummage through the shelves. "Enough about my love life. We've got some researching to do," I say, putting the books on the table.

"Sis, this is torture," Ernie says closing his book. "He's right. We need that book. The exact one I saw in the Hogwarts library," Heather says. "Well? Who's up for a trip to London?" Heather asks. "We just got back from London yesterday," Ernie complains. "We're going back," I say, grabbing my car keys. "Fine. What's the fastest way back? Apparation?" Ernie asks. "Oh wait- yes. Watch this trick," I say. I hold out my hands and each of them grab onto one. I shut my eyes and picture Hogsmeade. When I open my eyes again, I was standing in front of the Three Broomsticks pub.

"You- didn't have a wand-" Ernie starts to say. "Wandless magic. Cool right?" I ask. "That," Heather says, "is awesome." "Thanks. Now, Hogwarts," I say.

"Are you sure the library is still functional? This place looks terrible from the battle against Voldemort," I say. "Dumbledore was very fond of his books. He cast a spell over the library. It was all he could manage. He couldn't cast that large of a spell over the whole school because that would've needed an immense amount of power for that. Not even Dumbledore had that amount of power," Heather explains, as we walk up the hill. "You know which book it was?" I ask. "No... but I'm sure we'll be able to find it quickly. There's not a lot of books on vampires in the library," Heather says. We reach the gates. "Well. Here we are."

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