14 - You Brought a Snack?

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"Rose?" he asks confused about why she was here. "Edward," Rosalie said coldly. She starts picking up her bag to leave. Edward lets out a groan. "Rose, will you stay for just a minute," he growls. "I have nothing to say to you," Rose snaps. "I'm bringing her over tomorrow," Edward says. "To our house? Edward, are you crazy?" Rosalie hisses. "Yes. She knows what we are," Edward says. "Cause you told her. The Volturi are going to kill her! If you know what's right for her, forget about her! And Jasper. Think about Jasper, you inconsiderate fool," Rosalie yells. Ha. Inconsiderate fool. Edward sent me a glare. "You're coming too," Edward says. "Me? Why? I don't even like her very much," I say. "You're coming because you're one of the very few people Rosalie likes. You'll be there to emotionally support Rosalie. And also, Alice saw that you and Bella will become good friends," Edward explains. I sigh. "Guess I'm coming then."

Rosalie is in her room ranting on and on about Bella. Emmett sits there listening to her, occasionally agreeing with her. "Is she still here?" Rosalie groans. "It's been five minutes Rose. I'll go check," I offer.

I walk downstairs to see Jasper awkwardly shaking hands with Bella. "Hi, Bella!" I say. "Brooke!" she says, remembering my name. I give her a small hug. "Rose wants to know when she's leaving," I whispered to Edward. Edward lets out a frustrated sigh as he rolled his eyes. "I should go back to her. Nice meeting you Bella," I say.

"She's still here," I tell Rosalie. She lets out a loud groan. There's a knock on the door. Alice comes in with Jasper behind her. "Thunderstorm tonight. Wanna play?" Alice asks. "Sure," Rosalie says. "Play?" I ask blankly. "Baseball," Emmett says with a grin. "Great! I'll go ask everyone else," Alice says. "Do you play baseball?" Rosalie asks as Alice leaves. "Nope. No sports for me," I say. "You can be referee with Esme to make sure Jasper doesn't cheat," Emmett says. "Emmett, are you sure I don't need to keep an eye on you?" I ask teasingly. "Are you suggesting that my boyfriend is a cheater?" Rosalie asks with a smile. "I'll leave the answer to that up to you," I say.

A few minutes later, Edward is in the room too. "Rose..." he says slowly. "What?" Rosalie snaps. "Bella's coming to the game," Edward says. "What?!" Rosalie exclaims. "This- baseball is a family thing. She is not allowed at all! It's just going to be family. And before you say anything about Brooke, she is family enough. At least she's not fully human," Rosalie hisses. "So you're the only one who can add people into the family?" Edward asks. "No! We all agree she's family! That's why we all wanted her to sit with us. Bella- I will never consider her family, therefore she's not!" Rosalie yells. "Look. I'm not asking for much. Just put up with her this one game. I'll let you choose your team," Edward offers. "I get Jasper and Emmett," Rosalie says immediately. "Alright. You get Emmett and Jasper. Thank you," Edward says.

"Ugh. That girl is sucking all the fun out of Edward," Rosalie complains after Edward leaves. "Come on, let's get to the field first. I want to how this one does," Emmett says with a grin. He nudges me and hands me a pair of car keys. "And we'll see how well Edward has taught you," he says.

We thankfully get to the clearing safely. It was almost impossible to focus on the road with Emmett sitting besides me and distracting me. "Not bad. Edward did a good job teaching you," Emmett says. He grabs a baseball bat and hands it to me.

"Rosalie is going to throw the ball at you and you'll have to hit it away with that bat," Emmett instructs. "Usually, you should be scared. But I'll take it easy on you and I'll be gentle," Rosalie says with a smirk. Rosalie tosses the ball and I swing the bat. It comes in contact with the ball and bounces off. Emmett catches it easily. "Not bad. For a non-vampire," he jokes. After a while, Carlisle, Esme, Alice, and Jasper arrive. "Where's Edward?" Rosalie demands impatiently. "He'll be here soon," Alice reassures her. "I bet Bella's slowing him down," Rosalie growls. Eventually, Edward and Bella show up. "Great. Let's get this game going," Emmett says, getting excited.

"Hello, Esme," I say. "Hello, dear," Esme says, giving me a warm smile. "You don't mind if I referee with you, right? I'm not the best at baseball," I say. "Of course! You'll need as many eyes as you can get to watch this coven of cheaters," Esme says. Bella shyly joins us. "So, are you and Edward officially a thing?" I ask kindly. She shrugs. "I guess you could say that," she says. After a few rounds, Alice suddenly stops. "They're coming," she gasps. "What?" I ask. "Other vampires," Edward growls. "Can we get Bella out of here?" he asks. "No. Her scents too strong. We don't have enough time," Alice says. "Bella, put down your hair and stand behind Brooke," he demands. Bella obeys. Minutes later, three vampires emerge.

"We heard you guys playing?" the middle one asks. "Yes, we were," Carlisle answers. "Mind if we join?" the middle one asks. "Of course. A few of us were just leaving," Carlisle says calmly. "I'm the one with the wicked curveball," the girl says with a smirk. A strong gust of wind blows and the guy on the left tenses up. "You brought a snack?" he asks. "James..." the middle one warns. "Ah. These two are witches. I'm afraid you can't touch them. Dumbledore's words," Carlisle says. He knows Dumbledore? "Ah. Of course. The unbreakable vow with Dumbledore. That one is a witch. But that one..." he signals to Bella. "...is not." "This is our territory. We would perfer if you didn't hunt here. We maintain a permanent residence nearby and we would like to remain hidden," Carlisle says. "It's alright. We'll leave now," the middle one says. The middle one turns to leave and the other two follow him reluctantly.

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