12 - Ever Heard of Privacy?

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Every single day, the Cullens would drag me to there table. They would force me to get into the car so that they could drive me home. Sometimes, if they were feeling nice and annoying, they would drive me to school.

"I still don't think she likes our company," Emmett jokes as we walk through the parking lot. "No. She enjoys it very much," Edward says. I send him a glare. "She's still fussing over Cedric," Edward whispers. "That's it. Edward, you are the most annoying and the most inconsiderate person ever," I snap. I turn to walk away from their car and Alice gives a small scream. "Stay," Edward growls. "I am not going to stay! You can't tell me what to do!" I say. "Just stay for a few more minutes," Edward orders. I ignore him. "I know what happpened to Cedric!" he says hurriedly. "What?" I ask, stopping briefly. A car flies towards me missing me by an inch. "That would have hit you," Edward says smugly. I mumble a thanks and I continue heading away from their car. Edward was by my side in seconds. "Are you still hung up on what I said?" he asks. "Yes. You are very annoying and inconsiderate," I say angrily. "I'm sorry," he says. Funny how he could say two words and not mean them, but I still end up in their car.

A few months passed and I was actually kind of enjoying my life in the muggle world. March came and I was starting to grow sad. Cedric isn't here to spend my birthday with me anymore. It was one of those rare sunny days in Forks. Might as well stay home for my birthday. I'm too lazy to get up. There was a large crash from downstairs. I grab my wand and I slowly head downstairs. Alice, Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper and Edward were standing there. And my back door was broken. "It wasn't unlocked," Emmett says quickly. "You broke my door because it wasn't unlocked? Normal people keep their door locked," I say in disbelief. I point my wand at the door and I mutter a Reparo.

"So, Happy Birthday!" Alice says cheerfully. "How'd you know?" I ask. "Well, we were coming here to visit you because the sun was out and we can't go to school. Then Edward heard you moping around saying how someone won't be here to remember your birthday and we came!" Alice explains. "Your thoughts are exceptionally loud," Edward says. "Come. We're going to throw you a party," Rosalie says. I get in their car unsurely and they drive me to their house.

"You must be Brooke," a blond vampire says. Dr. Carlisle Cullen. "I'm Carlisle and this is my wife Esme," Carlisle says, gesturing to Edward's mom. "Nice to meet you," I say to them. "Come!" Alice says, grabbing my hand. She brings me to the garage. There's a white convertible Ferrari with a giant pink bow on top. "No!" I gasp after realizing. Alice is grinning and Edward and Emmett had entered the room. "I am not accepting that as a present!" I say. "Consider it a birthday gift, an apology for being inconsiderate, and a present for putting up with us," Edward says. "I don't even know how to drive!" I say. "Too bad. It's already registered under your name. It's yours," Emmett says. "And I'll teach you how to drive," Edward offers.

At school the next day, there was a new girl. Bella Swan. I was in my last period class when Edward burst in. "I'm sorry. The principal is looking for Brooklyn. She's being excused for the next week or so," Edward tells the teacher. He grabs me and he's half walking and half speed running towards the parking lot. He opens up his car door and I get in the passenger seat.

"What are we doing?" I ask. "We're going to Denali. And you're getting your driving lesson," he says as he drives home at 100 mph. He switches his cars and tells me to take the wheel. We managed to get to Denali without any injuries. I'm getting good at driving. Edward lets out a chuckle and then goes back to being irritated. "What is wrong with you?" I ask, annoyed at his mood swings. "That girl! Bella Swan! Her blood smelled so lucious. It smelled amazing. I wanted to kill her right there and then," Edward says in a low voice.

After spending a week there, I was getting bored. "When are we going back to Forks?" I ask. "When I'm ready," he says. "And when's that?" I ask. "I DON'T KNOW! WHEN I DON'T FEEL LIKE EATING THAT GIRL INSIDE OUT!" he roars. "So you're just going to be a coward and run away from her?" I ask. "You're really annoying," he mutters. "Then why'd you drag me on this trip?! You could've brought Alice or Emmett!" I snap. "I enjoy your company better. And your thoughts are entertaining," he admits. "Ever heard of privacy?" I ask, getting irritated by the second. "Just go. Drive back to Forks," he says. "No. I'm staying with you," I say stubbornly. "I thought you didn't want to," he says. "I enjoy your company too. Sometimes," I say.

"You're right," Edward says a few hours later. "About what?" I ask. "Going back to Forks. Let's go back," Edward says. He hands me the keys to the car and we drive back to Forks.

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