18 - It's the Work of Vampires

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"I am very sorry I threw you against a wall," Edward tells me. "It's alright," I say. "So, how was your trip to Italy?" I ask him. "Terrible," he says. "Well, you guys made it out alive," I point out. "The Volturi wants Bella to turn or they'll kill her themselves," Edward says. "You're not going to let her, right?" I ask. "I'll try not to," he says. "Guys," Bella says. "As you all know, the Volturi wants me to become a vampire. I'm fine with it but Edward isn't. So I wanted to take a vote with you guys. Do you guys want me to join your family?" Bella asks. She looks at Alice first who walks up to Bella and hugs her. "I already see you as a sister. Of course, I want you to join our family!" Alice exclaims. Jasper votes yes and so does Emmett. She turns to Rosalie.

"I am sorry for all the trouble I've caused you and Edward. But you should not become one of us especially when you have the choice to live an amazing human life. It's a no from me," Rosalie says. Bella looks at me. "I don't think I have a say in this," I say. "I want an opinion from you too," Bella says. "I don't think you should. There are many disadvantages of being a vampire," I inform her. She nods and turns to Esme who votes yes. Carlisle is last. "I have to say yes. You're everything to Edward now," he says. At this, Edward growls. "I'm not turning anyone," Edward says. "Lucky for me, you're not the only one who can," Bella says smugly. Edward grabs the tv off the wall, splits it in half, and storms out of the room.

"We had that shipped from Korea!" Emmett complains. Emmett was annoyed at Edward's earlier behavior which resulted in him having no tv to watch baseball on. "Emmett, we can get another one. Rosalie, go check on Edward," Carlisle says. Rosalie gets up and heads out of the room.

"Bella, Brooke, Jasper can take you two home," Carlisle says. "It's fine. I'll drop Bella off on my way home," I tell them. Bella agrees and she gets in my car.

We arrive at her house and I say goodbye to her. "Wait. Do you want to come in?" she asks. "Sure. But what for?" I ask. "I think Charlie would like to meet you," she says. "Alright then," I say, getting out of my car. I follow Bella into the house.

"Isabella Swan!" a man yells. "Where did you go the last three days. I was worried sick. I come back from Harry's funeral and you're gone. Jacob said you left without a note or a number I could call and said that you might be in danger!" the man yells as he walks into the entrance. "Dad," Bella complains. "What's your explanation, young lady?" Charlie asks. Bella looks at me with pleading eyes. "Actually, she was with me. There was some miscommunication," I spoke up. Charlie notices me for the first time. "Brooke Macmillan," I tell him. He nods. "Sorry for yelling," he says sheepishly. "It's fine. Bella wanted me to meet you," I say. "Ah, Charlie Swan. Chief Police," Charlie says. "Dad, it's late now," Bella says. She drags me out of the house. "Thank you for the excuse. Also, he seems to really like you," Bella says with a smile. "Glad to be of help. See you tomorrow, Bella," I say.

That summer, Bella was grounded. According to Charlie's rules, visiting hours were between 4 and 9 pm. However, because he liked me and Alice so much, the two of us could visit whenever. "My dad loves you two even more than he loves me," Bella says as Alice paints her nails. "Done! Your turn, Brooke," Alice exclaims. "What color?" she asks. "I don't care. Any," I say as I hold my hand out. She chooses a pale pastel yellow and starts painting my nails. "Your dad loves you more than anything," I assure Bella. "We could sneak Bella out," Alice suggests, blowing lightly on my nails. "I vote against that," I tell Alice. "You're no fun. You've got to live a little. Go against the rules," Alice says. "So I'm boring?" I ask. "Precisely," Alice replies. "Well, I prefer to stay on the safe side of things," I say. "That's called being a stick in the mud," Alice says. "Am I a stick in the mud?" I ask Bella. "Not really," Bella answers. "See?" I tell Alice smugly.

"Ooh, this would look cute on you," Rosalie says, holdin up a white crop top with puffy sleeves. "Not really my style," I tell her. We're at the shopping mall and Rosalie has dragged me into some clothing store. "Hm. It might not be your style, but it's definetly mine," Rosalie says. She rushes into the dressing room and I sit down on a nearby bench. I glance up at the television hoping it would be an entertaining show or something.

"Death toll on the rise. Police fear that this might be associated with the increase of gang activities. Missing people include Riley Biers, Bree Tanner..." the woman on the television announces. "Watcha looking at?" Rosalie asks. She shows off the crop top. "It looks nice," I tell her. Who am I kidding? Everything looks nice on Rosalie. "Perfect!" she exclaims as she rushes over to the cashier. Missing people? What the hell is going on?

"Maybe I should've bought the black one too. Black makes you look skinnier," Rosalie says after we left the mall. "Listen. Rose," I say slowly. "Yes?" Rosalie asks. "Before, on the news, I saw something about missing and dead people. It reminds me of something back from the wizarding world. There was a dark wizard who we believed was dead that hated humans. I can't help but think that maybe he's back since we were never really sure of his death," I explain. "Those deaths are not the work of humans or wizards," Rosalie mutters. I look at her quizically. "It's the work of vampires," she says. "How do you know?" I ask. "I just do. No normal human would be able to do this and not leave a trace at all. And looking at some of the rather... graphic photos the press provided us, you can tell that some vampires became full before finishing thier meals."

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