Chapter 6: The Amazingness of Lunch Food

Start from the beginning

"Do you think I'm going to stop wearing my converses because of what they ask me about them? Bea, I'm not that influenced by what other people say," In my mind, I was referring to what Quentin has been saying about her.

Bea sighed and look at me with annoyance in her eyes directed toward the situation.

"Do you not want me to come?" I asked when the realization hit me. She ran her hand through the green grass beside her.

"Yes, of course I do. It would be cool to not have to hide you. And it's not weird at all to have a new friend over for dinner, right?" She calmed down.

"No," I chuckled. I didn't feel awkward about it all; the way we got along, it felt as if we had been friends since the diaper days.

"I'm going to go ahead and apologize for whatever they say now," she mumbled as she turned to lean against the tree again. "Sorry."

"You wear converses, too," I joked and nudged her shoulder slightly. She folded her arms over her stomach and stretched her legs out so our feet were beside each other.

"I never said they approved of what I wear. But that's one of the only things they don't control," she let out a breath of air that was meant to be a laugh.

We were both quiet for a moment as we observed the kids in front of us. I looked down at Bea's lap where her battered sketched book lay with her arms on top of it.

"When are you going to let me look at those?" I asked as I flicked the edge of it. She smirked.

"I don't know, maybe never," she giggled and look at me. I smiled,

But I knew there was a chance she wasn't kidding.

"When are we having this dinner?" I asked Bea. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and began dialing a number.

"Let's find out."


I turned the keys on the top of my guitar to tune it as the other guys readied their instruments for our practice.

"So, why are you so quiet?" Brody asked as he spun side to side on his small seat. I shrugged my shoulders at my brother.

"Nothing much..." I trailed off. Ever since lunch today at school, I couldn't stop thinking about what next week would be like. The idea of what Bea told me today was at the back if my mind. I was determined to make that dinner a good one.

"Spill your beans, Ashy," Ben said in a baby voice. I rolled my eyes at him. He was so goofy all the time.

"I'm going to Bea's house next week for dinner - with her parents," I announced. Everything went silent and even Quentin was looking at me incredulously.

"Wait, wait. You're already meeting the parents? Have you ever even met a girl's parents before?" Grayson exploded with questions. He sat back on a wooden chair and held his guitar protectively in his hands.

"No, I haven't Grayson. But this isn't the 'parents meet the boyfriend' thing. Her parents are strangely overprotective," I told him. I tried my best to avoid eye contact.

"Okay. When is this dinner?" Brody asked nonchalantly. I knew he'd be the one to at least give the situation a chance.

"Next Saturday..." I mumbled quietly. I knew they were going to be mad because that was a show night at the bar we played at last time, The King. It was a stupid name for a bar if you asked me. But, I'm sure people thought that of our band's name, too.

"What?" Quentin asked. "We have a show on Saturday. Do you not want to be in this band, Asher?" I stood up and sat my guitar on its stand. I was immediately annoyed with him. Why would me telling them about a dinner mean that I don't want to be in the band anymore?

"It's a dinner, Quentin. I don't think me eating there before the show means I'm quitting the band." I growled. It made me so angry that he was so negative towards everything I did.

"Guys, calm down," Ben stood between us. "He's right, Quentin. It's just a dinner."

"But you can't be late for the show," Grayson added in. "We kind of need you."

I nodded my head at sat back in my seat, steam still rolling off me. I needed to play my guitar loudly and sing my guys out to get the anger out. It always helped. I mean, I could be taking my anger out on anything else.

"Let's just play, okay?" Brody settled and he banged on his symbols. We all got in our places and began to rumble the house with our music.


The song is Something's Gotta Give by All Time Low. Can't wait for Future Hearts to come out!

*Sorry for the spelling/grammar mistakes. I didn't get a chance to edit!*

This is so short and I'm so disappointed with it... I have the next few chapters planned out but when I actually start to write them, I go blank. I've been out of whack lately. Usually Wattpad is 85% of my life. I have a lot if catching up to do.

Besides the shortness, did you like it alright?

Give me your opinion because I honestly love hearing them and trying to figure out ways to make my stories better. Thank you all so much for reading!

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