Part 4

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(Chloes p.o.v.)

I looked around the room to see beautiful paintings. I then said

Chloe ~ are these your paintings? Mom had mentioned when I was younger that my father painted. And well your my father so.

Klaus ~ yeah I painted them.

Chloe ~ they look really good if that means anything to you.

Klaus ~ it does. You mean a lot to me. I may have not known about you but I swear you mean everything to me. And I want you to know I never planned on leaving your mother and I would never have even thought about leaving if I had known Av was pregnant with you. I would've taken her with me. Or found a way to stay.

Chloe ~ why would you leave? Did my mother mean nothing to you? Did a life with her not sound as great as it did when you married her? Was she not good enough for you? Why? Why would you leave?

I said with tears falling.

Klaus ~ it had nothing to do with Avery. I loved her like no one before. She meant the world to me you have no idea how much I cared about her. And marrying her was the greatest day of my life. And no she's wasn't good enough for me. She was way better. She loved a monster no she changed a monster. So I would never have left if it wasn't for an enemy.

Chloe ~ your the original hybrid you can't die so why would one enemy make you pack up and leave with no note or even a trail. You left nothing for my mother to track you. Nothing. You know how hard it was to grow up without a father but better yet your uncles telling you that your father never loved your mother and he wouldn't love you. You know how hard it was for me to hear my mother say that the one person I wanted in my life abandoned me without even knowing about me! I got made fun of for not having a dad. I had the fear that if I ever met you I'd feel more unloved and betrayed. I wanted to meet you I wished I would meet you on every brithday until I met Andrew and that's when i finally woke and took notice that you would never be in my life. That's when I found a baby at my doorstep with a note saying he needed a home that's when I got engaged and adopted my son. And that's when life hurt me again but taking my fiancé before his kids where born. I've been through a lot and I can't have you come into my life and just leave the first second an enemy comes into your life I mean come on. Were you really that scared to fight someone? To stand up for yourself, for your wife, for your daughter. You may have not known about me then but that doesn't mean I wasn't there.

I said yelling to an almost whisper. With tears staining my cheeks. With my eyes red I looked up at my father to see he was obviously hurt and guilty I almost felt bad for yelling at him. But nonetheless he responded with his voice still calm and gentle saying.

Klaus ~ I know what I put you through and I'm sorry if I could go back And change my decision I would cause I've missed everything a father would want to see. Your first steps, your first words. I missed seeing you when you were hurt I missed out on getting to comfort you when you fell and got hurt or when you got bullied in school or when your fiancé died. I missed it all because of my decision and when I came back you are 18 and your mother is no longer here. So I'm sorry. I know I've made a mistake and I can't take it back but all I can do now is be there for my daughter now. And if you let me I'd really like to continue getting to know my daughter and grandkids. I'd like to help you get through your mothers death. I want to be there for you now.

He said with tears of his own. I couldn't help it anymore. I needed comforting and so did he so without another word I ran up to him and hugged him and almost immediately he hugged back. I then said.

Chloe ~ I'd like that as long as your not leaving me again.

Klaus ~ you have my word that I will never leave you ever again.

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