part 2

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the next day rose went to astoria and pulled her somewhere else, ling ling ask "rose seems upset." travis explains yesterday to the others hawk ask "why would  you even tell her?" travis says "how was i suppose to know it was her." ling ling ask "so the two you went on a date?" travis says "it wasn't a real one." joy ask "why didn't you ask her name earlier?" travis tells them "look she was really cunning, she kept my focus off her and she was honestly really nice most of the time, plus she kept teasing and making fun of me." travis's face turned red and joy comments "i think she got to him." astoria walked back and said "well rose is upset and angry with me because she says that what I did was like betraying her trust." Hawk says "let me talk to her." He walks up to her and ask "rose is there anyway to make you feel better?" Rose responds "I don't get why she would ask him to spy on me or why she thought she should." Hawk says "maybe she's worried that they might be up to something or maybe they might be bad for you." Rose tells him "their nothing like that and besides connor is the nicest one of them." Hawk ask "well what if they change they might not be that nice anymore I mean didn't maria lie to travis?" Rose explains "no she does that even before, she does that to people cause she likes how people react." Hawk tells rose "anyway rose, please just forgive astoria besides none of us even know what your old friends are like." Rose thinks about it and says "I guess your right, wait a minute, why don't we all hang out together." Hawk looks confuse and rose continues " if we all hang out you all can get to know each other and maybe she can stop being paranoid." Hawk tries to say something but can't think of anything. Rose smiling says "alright i'm going to start planning i'll see you at class." Rose goes off, leaving hawk to tell everyone.

Later that  morning

Travis ask "is she serious?" Joy ask as well "so she wants us to meet them?" Hawk nods and travis angrily says "i'm not going near maria again!" Ling ling agrees and croos her arms saying "I don't think I want to meet them either besides one of them is a liar and definitely has no honor." Astoria comments "I don't my ivy hair is going to like them." Joy speaks up and says "okay but I think if we do this we'll finally know what their like and see why rose likes them so much." Hawk agrees and ling ling and astoria thinks and agree too. They look at travis and he says "fine but only so I can confront maria." After this they tell rose and she thinks of where they can all meet and have fun.

Later that day

That evening on earth rose takes her friends to a pizzeria that's nearly empty but still open everyone (except travis) are intrigued by the place and sit at a corner booth waiting for anna and the others. After a few minutes anna and maria show up and travis looks at maria frustratingly letting the others know which one she is, rose gets up and hugs them tightly and introduce them "this is anna and this is maria." Anna comments "this must be travis since this one is cute and has green hair like maria said." Travis goes red and looks at maria who smirks, they sit down and rose ask "where's connor and Allison?" Maria says "Allison is a bit nervous so connor's talking to her their just outside." Then the door open with everyone except for anna and maria shocked as someone wearing all black and  looks just like hawk but with dark hair walked In. with a girl who was a bit pale and clenching to a satchel she wore, they look to the others and walked to them. Rose ask "is that them?" Maria ask "can't you tell you two were really good friends?" Connor and Allison get there and greets them "long time, no see." Hawk says "this guy looks like me." Anna looks confuse, when maria points out what he means. The two sit down and joy ask anna "is your friend alright she looks sick?" Anna explains "she was like that when we met her and we have been trying our best to help her anyway we can." Maria gets up and says "i'm going ahead and order something, I already know what these three want, so what do everyone else want?" The others look a little worried since they don't know what there is, when travis gets up and says "actually i'll give their orders for them, so i'll just go with you." Maria nods and the two go to the counter. There travis and maria wait in line and travis says to her "I can't believe you told rose she got upset with me." Maria says "its not my fault you did what you did I just wanted to watch you and make sure you didn't ruin their reunion." Travis then tells her "yeah but you lied to me." Maria responds "I never lied to you I just didn't tell you, its not the same, its being vague." Travis angrily says "yeah right, and you even tricked me into going on date." Maria tells him "I only did that to keep an eye on you and plus I thought you were cute." Travis ask "why do you keep saying that?" Maria leans on him and says "Because its true." she backs away a bit and points back to the front of the line while travis's face blushes.

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