D stands for... - Part 3

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"Scotty, why didn't you stop me?" Stiles lamented, draped half over his friend's kitchen table. To his side, Kyra snorted. She was feeding Luna bits of fruit, the toddler squeezing the banana in her little fists before she crammed it in her mouth.

"There was no stopping you, man," Scott answered, putting a bottle of water in front of Stiles. "It was like watching a car crash or, like, one of those mudslides that takes out a whole village."

"I told my girlfriend Derek was the hottest person I've ever dated," Stiles said to the table top, appalled at his own words from the previous night.

"The hottest piece of ass you've ever gotten your hands on, if I remember correctly," Kyra corrected him. Whoever thought Kyra was sweet, had never experienced her affinity for schadenfreude.

"You also said you considered him the best sex partner you've ever had," Scott added. Really, him and Kyra were a match made in gloating heaven. "And you asked Kirsten if she had seen his wild side yet."

"And when Kirsten asked what I meant, I nearly outed Derek as a werewolf. Yeah, yeah, I know, Lydia told me." Stiles sighed deeply, his breath misting up the smooth table top. In one drunk conversation he'd managed to insult his own girlfriend and made his friend and his girlfriend very uncomfortable at the least. If Derek didn't want to tell Kirsten about werewolves, that wasn't Stiles his business, no matter how he felt about it. He'd discussed it with Lydia more than once, how the werewolves should be able to share that side of themselves with their partners. Especially Derek, as a born wolf. After all, being a werewolf was all he knew; Stiles simply couldn't imagine it felt right to hide such a big part of yourself. He even talked to Scott about it, yet the Alpha gave him the politically right answer of 'Derek has to decide that for himself'.

"You most certainly outed him, yes," Kyra said, feeding Luna another piece of banana. "I don't think Derek appreciated you yanking him out of the closet."

Stiles lifted his head. "What do you mean?"

"You know, telling Kirsten about you and Derek," Scott answered a little strained, keeping his eyes on his girlfriend and daughter. "Did Piper know, by the way?"

"What? About me and Derek hooking up?" Stiles frowned, thinking it over. "She knows I'm bi. I don't think Derek ever came up specifically, but she knows I had relationships with men."

"Well, Kirsten certainly didn't know." Kyra looked at Stiles disapprovingly. "You know Derek only ever dates women and he never talks about," she flicked a hand in his direction, "that thing you two had going on."

Stiles flinched at her use of the past tense. Surely there was more between him and Derek than the occasional - slightly morally questionable - hook up. They got together for coffee often enough, Stiles considered Derek a close friend.

"As far as anyone else is concerned, Derek is straight," Scott said, eyeing Stiles nervously. The topic clearly made him uncomfortable. While Scott had no trouble talking about his own sex life, God knows Stiles had heard enough of that from a teenage Scott, he always got jittery when it was about someone else's dick.

Stiles snorted and was about to say something very vulgar about having Derek's dick in his ass, when the sudden glares of the parents across from him reminded him of the presence of a child in the room. "I think I would know a thing or two about Derek being straight or not," he settled for. He seriously doubted Luna would understand a word he said, yet he was willing to keep his language in check for the sake of friendship. If only he'd done the same last night. Damn Gladys and her cocktails!

"You would know, yes, but you'd be the only one," Scott answered. At Stiles' disbelieving face he continued. "I only found out because I smelled him on you. Most people in the pack know, but that's because we're werewolves, Stiles, not because either of you talk about it."

"I talk about it," Stiles argued weakly, because he could see Scott's point. He mentioned it sometimes to Scott, but only after his friend had found out on his own, through scent. And Lydia knew, yet she knew everything. He could see how that didn't count. There were some other people that knew, yet like Scott said, they were all pack. It was hard to keep a secret when your friends could smell it on you. Not that it was a secret, not really, not on purpose at least. It was just this unspoken thing, he never discussed it with Derek, it just happened every now and then. Stiles had his own theories about it, but they were just that: his own thoughts about it.

Stiles left his friends' house with his jacket and the same heavy stone of guilt that had been in his stomach since his phone call with Lydia.

He'd fucked up. Royally.


Texting an apology was for scaredy chickens, yet he couldn't handle any more judgement from his friends, not with this massive hangover. So Stiles figured he would get the first apology out of the way with a text, and then he would call Derek tomorrow, when he didn't feel like someone pulled him through the wringer anymore.

Only he had texted Derek already...

[ U deserve somone U can be hones with. About everything. ]
00.32 AM

[ U dont have 2 hide wolf from me ]
00.39 AM

[ I bet Kisten would b scared. Not me I'm not scared of your claws ]
01.03 AM

Royally fucked. Totally. No doubt about it.


When Stiles returned to his apartment in Beacon City, he found out how much of Piper's stuff had been in his apartment, even though she never moved in or even officially had a drawer in his closet. With all of her things removed, his apartment suddenly seemed empty.

Piper meant it when she said she didn't want to talk to Stiles. And when they eventually did talk, Piper coming to his apartment so she could leave when she wanted, Stiles feebly wished they hadn't talked at all. She gave him a thorough dressing down, laying all his faults out on the table. And they were plenty.

"You never take anything seriously," she said. Stiles was wiser than arguing that he took his job very seriously. "As soon as emotions are involved, you fall back on jokes and superficial platitudes." She pointed out that he never purposely made space for her in his life. "You give your time and your body, but never more."

Stiles didn't go to Boston for ice cream and oreo's.

He didn't call Derek. He wasn't sure Derek would even want to see him, they hadn't talked since the disaster at the party.

Instead, he buried himself in his job.

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