"Also the fact you made us get to the airport like three hours before our actual flight, might as well camped out." Opening up her phone while she puts on her glasses, using her pointer finger to text. What a mom.

"Now that, that is most definitely a Latin people thing. We usually arrive early so there is no rushing. My dad though, he is dominican and let me not get started on how that man would bug out for flights. A flight would be at 10 a.m. and we would be there at 4 a.m." I say, making Sylvia break her neck to look at me shocked.

"Seriously?" She chokes out a laugh. "Yeah so deadass, and we would get all pretty and be the best looking family. My grandma taught me a very healthy way of always looking my best and tricks to make the process of getting fixed up more easier. She always told me if I am going to wear ripped jeans, I might as well top that with a skimpy top. May that lady rest in true fucking peace." I say, realizing I was rambling about my family too much.

"So that is why you are such a whore now?" Sylvia jokes making me slap her knee. "But seriously, your family sounds so great. I mean imagine how lucky many girls in the world would be with more body positive family's. You really love your family huh?" She looks at my face like she is searching for a reaction.

"Yeah I do." I sigh. This feeling in my stomach sizzling up. The feeling made me call a flight attendant over and ask for hard whiskey with just ice and a lime.

Drinking for the majority of the flight but stopping a couple of hours before we arrived made me intensely drunk. Seeing how the world shifts from night to day and we are basically arriving yesterday. May seem like it makes no sense but it does.

Watching the land appear beneath the clouds made me giggle to myself from happiness. I've never been outside the states before so this is something very exciting. But the excitement couldn't last long before a headache began and I started to hear the familiar voice again.

Got me feeling like I can't be without'cha

Anytime someone mention your name

I be feeling as if I'm around ya

Ain't no words to describe you baby

All I know is that you take me high

Can you tell that you drive me crazy?

'Cause I can't get you out my mind

Are you fucking kidding me? Becky G ? Who in their right mind sings this fucking song the way this man is.

You light me up inside

Like the 4th of July

Whenever your around

I always seem to smile

And people ask me how

Well your the reason why

I'm dancing in the mirror and singing in the shower

Ladade ladada ladada

Singing in the shower

Ladade ladada ladada

Singing in the shower

I start singing along and realize that its easing out, and before I know it I feel a hand on my back. Snapping up and seeing Sylvia looking at me with concern on her face.

"You alright, you're singing Becky right now?" She asks.

"Yeah yeah just had too much to drink, woo woo" I laugh and she nods her head before going back to sleep. My hand went back to my head, leaning against the window.

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