t w e l v e

141 12 2

hello! today's monday sooo imma post ch 12! Firstly, special thanks to FourtrisShipper4ever , sheoddicted46 and eggz_bennedict because they make my day! 🤧🥺 ty for reading my fanfic and telling me good things about it <3 anyways, without further cheesiness, I present to you: t w e l v e - Rehabilitation


Nora’s POV

Today, I went to visit Barney at about 8:15 am. He was still in the hospital after his accident, and I visited him for the whole day, and I stayed some nights in. 

“Hey Barney!” I said calmly

“H-hey” He said stuttering as he barely could talk

“How are you today”


“I’m happy to hear that”

Two months passed, and Barney was still in the hospital, Lily, Marshall and the kids visited on Sundays; Ted, Robin and the kids visited on Thursdays; and Oliver and Ellie came frequently. The thing about Ellie, is that I am happy to be for her like her own mother, as Arielle wasn’t here for her. And I know I wouldn’t be who I am without my mother. Anyways, Barney was still in rehab, where he was learning how to talk again and walking properly. Finally, he got a day free from the hospital and we went to play laser tag. Of course, we won as it was our favourite couple activity. Anyways, he is really close to getting fully out of his hospital room and I'm pretty excited to see him well again. 

~Thursday Morning~

“Hey Nora!” -Robin

“How are you doing?” -Ted

“Hey guys!” I said

“How’s the big guy?” Ted said asking for Barney

“He’s getting better, Approximately he will be out of here by the end of the month”

The three of us entered the room where Barney was staying.

“Hey guys!”

“Hello Barney!” -Ted

“We bought a bottle of scotch, but I think you won’t be allowed to drink it here” -Robin

“Oh, yes I can. Nurse Laila, is it okay if I drink a glass of scotch?!”

“Sure Sir Barney, but be careful!” -Laila

“Thank you nurse!”

“No problem Mr. Stinson!”

“Wow, even the nurses here are under your domain” -Ted

“I know right?” -Barney

“Dear, just be really careful let's make sure you don’t get drunk” I said

“It’s okay Sweetie Pie, I will be careful”

I softly kissed Barney on the cheek

“Are we so sappy romantic?” -Robin

“Kinda, but our way” -Ted

and they both kissed

sorry, ik this chapter is not-so good but I had to write this hehe because ch14 is like 1500 words long ;p anyways, see you on friday! (or thursday) ily!

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