f o u r

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so my test went really bad ;-; anyways I couldn't resist to not post so imma post chapter four rn. Without further notice I can present to you: f o u r - Barney's new fiance?

Narrator’s POV

The gang entered Barney’s apartment when Ellie jumped into her father’s arms. Then came Barney’s Fianceé into the living room. All of them looked amazed at who it was--

Lily, Marshall, Ted & Robin: NORA?!

Barney: Yeah! Isn’t it amazing?

Ted: Uh, I guess…

Lily: Hi Nora! Who is the cute little boy who is hiding behind you?

Nora: Oh hi! This is Ben, my son

Robin: You have a son? 

Nora: Yeah, a year older than Ellie 

Robin: Hey Nora! 

Nora: Oh hey Robin! I haven’t seen you for ages!

Robin: I know! 

Marshall: Woah that’s awesome, well how did you guys meet back up again?

Nora: Come on baby, tell them the story 

Barney: Well it’s kinda complicated but sure


Barney is walking with Ellie when they enter a park, Ellie goes to play and Barney sits down on a bench. Then Nora sits down next to Barney as her son Oliver is playing too. 

Barney: Nora?

Nora: Barney?

Barney: Woah, we haven’t met up in forever right?
Nora: Yeah, so what are you doing here? Picking up chicks?

Barney laughs, Nora joins

Barney: No! That was old me, I’m here with my daughter Ellie

Ellie waves at her father while she is on the slide

Barney: And what are you doing here?

Nora: I’m here with my son, Oliver. 

Nora looks at a black-haired little boy and he waves at his mother 

Nora: Oh, Is Ellie Robin’s daughter?

Barney: No, of course not, Robin can't have kids. Besides, we got a divorce 3 years after we got married. Anyways, how do you know?

Nora: Robin and I are friends, she told me, and even sent me an invitation to your wedding, although I couldn’t assist.

Barney: Makes sense now

Nora: And about your divorce, aw, that's awful!

Barney: Not that bad, I got Ellie

Nora: You know what? I think we should have dinner someday and catch up!

Barney: Shall we go today?

Nora: Sounds great, but promise me that you won’t lie to me anymore?

Barney: Okay then.

Nora: Barney? I’ll slap you harder than last time if you lie to me again

Barney: Come on! I’m not like that anymore!

Nora: Then see you at 8, call me.


Barney: And from then 'till right now!

Lily: How long ago was that????

Nora: About a year ago

Lily: Come on Barney! Why haven't you told us before?

Barney: I didn't wanna mess things up so I kept it a secret until I proposed to Nora

Marshall: Congratulations you two anyways! 

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