{Is It Wrong To Love}

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We had arrived at the party and every time I had gotten close to Mason this guilty conscience rubbed against me and I thought it's now or never. Rierra was being very friendly with me as she was up to something but I hardly suspected anything because she doesn't know anything I believe.

Jace, Ella and I were having deep conversations and rethinking old memories, until Mason and Rierra had shown up and I got nervous and fled. I had believed nobody suspected thing.
Until I felt tiny stubby hands on my shoulder I jumped in shock noticing that is just was Ella.

Are you ok? Or are you running from Mason!? ;)" I slapped her and she rubbed her shoulder and smirked.

"You don't even know what happened today, Mason and I had a moment and now I'm rethinking everything!" I was fidgeting with my fingers as Ella jumped up and down with joy.
"Why are you laughing? I'm serious I don't have know idea what to do!" I folded my arms as if I was a little kid not getting what they want.

"Do you like him, or are you having mixed feelings about all of this!" Ella got closer and wrapped her arm around me to confront me.

"I honestly don't know how I feel about him but I honestly don't see him as a friend, but I have a boyfriend that I also love very much." Ella looked at me as if she was disappointed in my choice.

"Choose who you want but people aren't your objects they won't always wait for you or be on your time or schedule, do what you want. People like their freedoms. Mason has found someone he likes and you have a boyfriend. But the question is do you actually love Jake." Ella really hit me with the love factor and I kind of felt really bad because everything started to make sense. Was I hurting Jake as I had him waiting for me to make a decision and is it my fault Mason had moved on. I had to confront Mason.

Ella I didn't know I was bringing pain to the ones I loved the most. Now it hurts me knowing that Jake is waiting on me to show him love but I can't because I'm broken. Is it really this hard to love!?" I slanted down on my knees and Ella comforted me and I cried in her arms.

"The right thing for you to do now is talk to Mason and there's nothing wrong with focusing on yourself but you eventually can't run from your problems you gotta face them that's the only way for you to feel good." I never knew Ella was a motivator, her advice had me prepared. "And speaking of Mason he's out here.." Ella whispered in my ear and she quickly ran inside and Mason had joined me on the stairs.

"So what's up with you? You was acting kind of nervous when I came around. Did I do something, is it still weird seeing me with another girl?" Mason had just been hitting me here and there with questions and I had know idea of which one to answer first.

"Mason I'm sorry. I can't lie to you, and I no longer wanna lie to you. I love you I've always loved you but I have just pushed my feelings away because I believed loving you would cause problems and things would be awkward. I knew if I told you this things would change in our friendship but I've lied to much. Trust me when you introduced us to Rierra at the dance, I was jealous knowing that you would be showing someone else that beautiful smile, adorable glasses, and kindness like you showed me. I know it's wrong to be telling you this because Rierra is my friend but I'm tired of lying because it's not helping me it's just piling up and up and not going any lower. One thing tho I also still love Jake and I'm not ready to let him go but I also don't wanna lose you. I'll know you'll hate me, but at least I have finally told you the truth I've been keeping this a secret since you had comforted me the day Jace broke my heart. It's paining me because you seem really happy with Rierra and I've ruined that by telling you this and I'll never forgive myself if I'm the reason you guys break up." Mason had a look on his face the was combined with a surprised and sad look. I had no more words left to say so he could do all the talking.

"I'm shocked knowing that you felt like this all this time! I thought you never felt a romantic feelings towards me because you were always really distant with me and always threw me in the friend zone. So I just finally gave up and no longer tried to make you like me. And your right I have a girlfriend but you'll forever be mine first love or first crush either one. Mason had pulled me in for a hug and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"YOU BITCH!!" As someone stomped from behind us and Mason and I looked and you wouldn't believe who it was, you probably would though.

I'll will post the next part to this chapter another day. I hope you guys like this chapter .

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