[Jake Goodman]

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Jake's POV-
I had 20 minutes to get to the plane and I was so excited to see Riele, I haven't seen her in like 2 years. The last time we had a full on conversation was at camp. I've missed her and her beautiful smile, I have been keeping posted by checking her Instagram like everyday.

I know it sounds like I have a obsession, but I really just have missed her she was my best friend during camp. She had my heart the whole time at camp, but she never really took us seriously. When I tried to give her hints that I liked her she always brushed me off.

It's kinda gonna be awkward because I'm gonna be staying in her house for who knows how long and we're going to be together. I wonder if she's made some friends now that we're a bit more older.

Riele's POV-
Mason had called me and asked if he could come over and I couldn't deny him because I needed the company but I also couldn't tell him that I couldn't kiss him because I was thinking of Jace. I needed a mind cleanse just to forget about everything and that cleanse was going to be Jake.

He was coming in less than 3 hours and I was lowkey really excited. Jake and I's relationship was really weird because we had feelings for each other, but never really acknowledged it.

Back to yesterday, I don't know if I feel something for Jace but I know that I only think of Mason as a friend. I've been thinking that the reason I thought of Jace when I kissed Mason is because they look exactly alike.

Jace and I have known each other for so long, so It won't be a surprise if I felt something towards him. Though when I think of Jace I think of a friend and Mason also as a friend. So I can't explain where these feelings are coming from and from who.

Mason had called and said he'll be here in 5 and Jake had also called and said he'll be here in 10. My head was all over this place thinking that Jake was about meet Mason and Mason was about to meet Jake. It was nerve racking knowing that both of my closest friends besides Jace were gonna meet up.

I heard my doorbell ring and I ran over, I opened my door and there was Mason standing there smiling really wide. He tried to give me a hug but I kinda dodged him he face suddenly changed.
Mason "Are you mad at me?"
Riele "No, just tired."

Stay Tuned for next part.

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