Chapter 15, Part 4

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Everyone: 'WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?' Everyone thought at the same time, they were massively confused at what was happening, you were stabbed through the heart, you died. And you then suddenly come back to life saying "Been a while since I could stretch my legs"?!? What is going on here??

You then turned towards possessed Vanica, making her flinch at your gaze.

Y/n & ???: "Hey, Megicula, give his girlfriend her body back." You demand to Megicula, Making her give Vanicas body back instantly.

Vanica: "Y-Y/n!! Are you o-" she then turned towards the figure above her that's blocking a sword, she doesn't know who it is until she gets a good look at the figure, having a sudden realization, she yells:

Vanica: "Y-Y-Y/N!!! YOUR ALI-" but before she could finish her sentence, you knock her out faster than the eye could see.

Dante: 'I-I couldn't follow that attack! What the hell is going on here?!' Dante thinks to himself, boggling his mind on how you could be so fast.

You then teleport to where class 1-a is instantaneously. Catching them all by surprise.

-cut to class 1-a.-

We then see You carrying an unconscious Vanica. The students don't know what just happened, one moment you were blocking Dante, the next you were right in front of them.

You then put her down and say to everyone:

Y/n & ???: "Sit here and don't move, This'll be over in a second." You say as you instantly teleport away.

-cut to you vs dante.-

We then cut to a surprised dante, He was completely unable to follow your movements, It was like a human trying to catch a fighter jet on foot. It was just impossible for him.

You then give Dante a swift kick to the ribs, completely shattering them.

Dante: 'W-What the hell! Where did this strength come from! He couldn't even touch me a while ago!' Dante thinks to himself as he charges at you.

Dante: "Damn you! Do you think you're so strong?! I killed you once, I can do it again!" Dante says uncharacteristically angry.

Dante then charges at you, while throwing a flurry of punches. But you dodge them all like it's nothing.

You then form a massive Rasengan in your hand and ram it into Dante, blowing him back while also breaking his spine, paralyzing him from the shoulders down

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You then form a massive Rasengan in your hand and ram it into Dante, blowing him back while also breaking his spine, paralyzing him from the shoulders down.

Dante: "HAHAHA! IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU DO! YOU CAN'T KILL ME!" Dante shouts while using his body magic, healing him completely.

Y/n & ???: "Oh right, Body magic. I've dealt with worse." You said casually.

Dante: 'What?!?! How come he said that so nonchalantly?! Just a few moments ago you struggled against my body magic! Now he's talking about it as if it were a minor inconvenience!' Dante thinks to himself, surprised that you were so uncaring about the fact that he completely healed himself.

You then charge at him, with your hand glowing a weird golden color. When your right in front of him, you put your hand in his head and then moved as you were ripping something out. Dante doesn't feel anything happen, so he decides to mock you.

Dante: "Ha...HAHAHA! Was that supposed to do something? I didn't feel a thing!" Dante says as he tried to use his gravity magic to push you away, the keyword there is 'tried' as it doesn't work.

Dante: "W-What the hell?!?!" He then tries to use his devil's power, but then he notices that he can't, he then tries to use his body magic, but just like his gravity magic, it doesn't work.

He then notices you put a weird purple glowy thing, along with a red and black glowy thing in a canister, then he watches as you put the canister in a portal.

Y/n & ???: "I see you confused, well, to put it in simple terms, your magic is gone. You can no longer use it." You say bluntly. Watching the realization and fear grow in his face.

 Watching the realization and fear grow in his face

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Dante: "Y-You... You bastard!!" He says while getting up to punch you, only for it to not affect yiu in the slightest.

Y/n & ???: "I'm just gonna say it, I don't feel the slightest bit of pity for what im about to do to you." You warn dante. Making him shiver with fear.

You then unleash a massive combo of attacks.

After 2 Consecutive hours of beating Dante to a pulp, you're finally done. You use a wind Jutsu to clean all of his blood off of you. You then teleport to class 1-a, startling them.

-Cut to class 1-a-

After a few minutes of awkward silence, you speak up.

Y/n & ???: "So, Any questions?" You ask your classmates.

After another few minutes of awkward silence, Izuku is the first to speak up.

Izuku: "W-Well... I don't know how... But I can tell that you're not y/n... So, who are you?" Izuku asks slightly fearfully.

Y/n & ???: "Well for starters, your right. I'm not y/n, but once he starts to gain consciousness I'll give his body back. Secondly, You can call me...


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