Chapter 17

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-Time skip 3 days.-

3 days after Aizawa told you and Vanica about the upcoming threat that is the Otsutsuki clan, You two were doing some vigorous training.

You were working on controlling your Kama Mark so you could go into it at any time you wish while still being in control. You were also going into your mindscape frequently To talk to Momoshiki, to build a friendship with him. A few hours into a conversation you were having with him, Momoshiki brings up something that's he's been wanting you to do.

Momoshiki: " Hey kid, There's something you need to do to beat the Remainder of the Otsutsuki clan, that being the King himself and his 2 royal guards." Momoshiki says, making you perk up.

Y/n: "Something I need to do? What would that be?" You ask curiously?

Momoshiki: "You know of Vanicas Mana right? Well, That mana crap won't be good enough to beat the king and his guards, even with 100% of Megiculas power it won't work. She'd be useful in your eventual fight against him. As only chakra attacks can damage them." Momoshiki says to you.

Y/n: "Are you serious? What do we do then?!" You ask surprised?

Momoshiki: "You have to convert her mana and Megiculas Mana into Chakra and tailed beast chakra." Momoshiki replies to you.

Y/n: "Wait, first off, how would that only work? Secondly, What the hell is a tailed beast?" You said to him confused.

Momoshiki: "*Sigh* all right then, Guess I'll tell you the whole story." Momoshiki then goes on to explain what a tailed beast is and who the creator of them are. He also Vaugely mentions Jinchuriki and Naruto but you don't pick up on those parts.

Y/n: "You know, These tailed beasts sound a lot like Demons. They're both giant masses of power! So how do we do this?" You ask Momoshiki.

Momoshiki: "Firstly, you need to have your Kama on, Secondly, you need to sit down facing each other while bumping fists, Then I'll activate another ability that we Otsutsuki have, and that's the ability to convert a beings Energy into something else. Like converting Chakra to magic and Vice Versa." Momoshiki responds to you.

Y/n: "Wait, First off, how long will that process take? Secondly, Will, we be conscious during this? Because I can't sit in 1 spit for who knows how long." You say to Momoshiki.

Momoshiki: "For the first question, It depends on how much mana she has Because she has Megicula, a being of pure mana within her, On top of her already Massive mana reserves, it'll take around a year. For the second question, you will be in a comatose-like state, so you won't be conscious." Momoshiki replies to you.

Y/n: "Ok I won't be conscious that's a reli- DID YOU JUST SAY AN ENTIRE YEAR?!?!" You shout at Momoshiki, shocked at how much time it'll take to Convert Vanicas Mana into Chakra.

Momoshiki: "Geez kid, Quit shouting. Also during that year, you'll be training here to master your Kama, your jougan, along with training Vanica in how chakra works while training her. It'll be worth it so trust me. Or do you want everything you know and love to die?" Momoshiki says as he comedically chops you on the head.

Y/n: "Ow, fuck! I get it geez. And wait, Jougan?" You said confused.

Momoshiki: "Oh yeah forgot to explain that, The jougan is an upgraded version of the byakugan. While The byakugan allows the user to see chakra pathways, a Jougan user can see chakra pathways along with the weak points of your opponent. It also allows you to see the future, see through invisible barriers that connect between dimensions, and predict and Use Yomotsu Hirasaka. Oh yeah, your rinnegan is gone, yiu can no longer use it." Momoshiki explains.

Y/n: "M-M-M-M-MY RINNEGAN!! IT WAS SO USEFUL! AND NOW ITS GONE!!!" You say while crying anime tears, prompting Momoshiki to hit you.

Momoshiki: "Shut up already. Anyway, you need to convince your principal to let you convert Vanicas Mana into Chakra. I'm gonna kick you out now. Good luck.

We then see you waking up with some weird squishy mounds in front of your face. You are confused as to what these are and you start squeezing them. After a few seconds of you squeezing them, you hear a moan.

Vanica: "Oh Ho~ I didn't know you wanted to take the do it that badly y/n~," she says seductively as she sits on top of you and starts kissing you.

After a few minutes of your passionate make-out session, you realized that you got distracted, and stop kissing her.

Vanica: "Aw~ I wanted that to continue longer." She says while pouting.

Y/n: "Vanica, I need to tell you something. Something important." You say with a serious face.

Vanica: "Well what is it sweet cheeks?" She said to you.

You then go on to explain the whole situation with converting her Mana into chakra, and them being away for a year.

Vanica: "O-Oh wow... Wasn't expecting that... I'm cool with it. If it'll help us against the Otsutsuki clan then I'm down for it." She replies to you

Y/n: "Well, Time to go and convince Nezu."

-cut to you in Nezus's office after explaining the whole situation.-

Nezu: "So, You want me to make yiu a room for you and vanica to sit in for an entire year." Nezu says bluntly

Y/n: "Yes..." You said slightly worried about how he'll reply.

Nezu: "Sure. We need you 2 to be as strong as possible for when they eventually come here." Nezu says

Y/n: "Oh thank God.." You say while breathing a sigh of relief.

Nezu: "Also, the room is already built. I also have people that'll clean it every day until you guys come back. I knew you were gonna eventually ask this so I already had it done. Call it Principals Intuition." Nezu says with a smirk.

Y/n: "Well, Should've expected this from you." You say surprised.

You then leave Nezus's office, when yiu go to the dorms yiu sit everyone down and tell them what's gonna happen.

Y/n: "You guys better not get expelled or slack off!" You say while grinning.

Bakugo: "Of course I won't you cocky bastard. And when you come back, I'LL BE SO DAMN STRONG THAT I'LL KICK YOUR ASS EIGHT WAYS TO SUNDAY!!" Bakugo says declaring war on you.

Y/n: "Well, Good luck with that. Anyway, see you guys later!" You shout at all of them.

Eri: "Papa, Mama, how long will you be gone?" Eri says slightly sad that you're leaving.

Y/n: "Only for a year snowball, If you be patient then the year will fly by quickly. So sit tight ok?" You say to Eri while crouching down to her level.

Vanica: "Yeah snowflake! It'll be like a year was just yesterday! So don't worry!" Vanica says while also crouching down to her level.

You and Vanica then pull her in for a family hug, making Eri along with the rest of the class cry.

You and Vanica then pull her in for a family hug, making Eri along with the rest of the class cry

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Everyone: "WE'LL MISS YOU! SEE YOU GUYS NEXT YEAR!" Everyone says while you two walk away.

The Monster Duo (Malereader x BNHA) [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora