Chapter 1

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I don't own My Hero Academia or Black Clover or Naruto.

We're currently in the UA bunker, As the class 1-a, students and are watching the news, terrified of what they're seeing.


As Class 1-a is watching the news, they are shocked and confused as to why America decided to invade their home.

Izuku: "oh crap oh crap oh crap!" Says the greenette, scared of what he is watching.

Bakugo: "SHUT UP YOU DAMN NERD! WE'LL BE FINE AS LONG AS WE'RE IN THIS DAMN BUNKER!!" Shouts the angry Pomeranian named Bakugo.

???: "AHAHAHA! The plan worked like a charm!" Says A man in a Suit hooked up to a couple of tubes.

???: "AHAHAHA! Indeed Master! The plan worked like charm! Those fools are none the wiser!" Says a bald man with a large mustache wearing glasses.

And then, their laughing is suddenly interrupted but 2 unknown figures crashing in front of the soldiers, stopping them in their tracks.

???: "Lookie what we got here y/n! A couple of Soldiers walking to their deaths!" Says a woman with short black hair and red eyes.

Y/n: "Quit yelling Vanica. Tour gonna burst my eardrums." You said while holding your ears.

-At The UA bunker-

Izuku: "W-what are they doing! They're gonna get themselves killed!" Shouted a green-haired cinnamon roll concerned about the 2 figures stopping the American army.


Ochako: "Your gonna die! Get out of there!" She shouted at the TV In a useless attempt to save the 2 figures in front of the 5000 soldiers.

Todoroki: "Those idiots... they don't stand a chance." Said the emo dual-haired teenager.

-Back to Vanica and Y/N-

Vanica: "Whatever MEANIE! Let's just beat them down and go home! I wanna play smash ultimate" Said Vanica while pouting.

Y/n: "Yeah yeah whatever. *Looks at soldiers* you dumbasses mind going home? I don't feel like dealing with you guys right now.

Random soldier: "Move out of the way you brats!" Said the soldier while aiming his gun at him

Y/n: *sighs* "Fine then. We'll do this the hard way, just remember..."

Y/n and Vanica: "We gave you a chance." Stated You and vanica in a menacing voice.

-back to the ua bunker-

Izuku: "T-They can't be serious right?!" Said the scared green bean, hearing that the 2 figures would try and fight the 5000 soldiers.

Bakugo: "THOSE DAMN EXTRAS!! THEY CANT BEAT ALL THOSE SOLDIERS!" Shouted bakugo in an angry, and slightly concerned tone.

Todoroki: "Welp. Those 2 are done for." Said the emo dual-haired teen, not knowing how wrong he was.

-cut back to vanica and y/n-

(A/N: Imagine Madara is Vanica and y/n, and the shinobi are the soldiers. Also, imagine some gunfire, Also ignore all the jutsu. I'm bad at describing fight scenes)

Y/n: "Well that was easier than I expected." You said while standing on a giant pile of dead soldiers without a scratch.

Vanica: "Awww man!! I wanted a challenge for once! But alas, I am disappointed." Stated Vanica while crying anime tears.

Y/n: "Well that does that, Let's go home Vanica, you did say you wanted to play smash ultimate." You said in a stoic voice

Vanica: "YAAAY!!" Vanica stated while grabbing your shoulder, using the flying Raijin technique to teleport you and her home.

-back at the UA bunker-

Izuku "w-what was that?!?! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Said the cinnamon roll, shocked at what he just saw happened.

Bakugo: "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!? HOW THE HELL ARE THEY SO DAMN STRONG?!?" Shouted the angry Pomeranian, angrier than ever before.

Todoroki: "W-what?!" Said Todoroki in a surprised tone, being proven wrong about the 2 figures.

Mina: "T-That was... INCREDIBLE!!! THAT WAS SO COOOL!!" Said Mina Ashido with starry eyes after seeing the 2 figures completely decimate the American army.

Kirishima: "That wasn't just manly... THAT WAS SUPER PLUS ULTRA MANLY!!" said kirishima while crying manly tears.

The rest of class 1-a was completely shocked and appalled at the sight they just saw, too shocked to even say anything.

Nezu: "We have to find those 2 and get them to join our school, we can't allow any villain to get their hands on them or we're done for. They said that their names were "Vanica" and "y/n" said the chimeric principle named Nezu.

Aizawa: "I call dibs on those 2. Kaminari, Mineta, your expelled."

Mineta: "WHAT?!?! I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO TOUCH MINAS BOOBS YET!!" said the perverted grape while lunging at Mina.

Aizawa: "Contain yourself or you'll be arrested for sexual assault you perverted grape." Said Aizawa menacingly while having his quirk activated.

Kaminari: 'Damn... I didnt think I'd fail the mission this early. I wonder what the boss is gonna do now..' Said Kaminari, worried about what's gonna happen to him.

Nezu: "Ok, In 1 week, we'll get the big 3, All of class 1-a, Ryuukyus Agency, And the Top 10 heroes to find them and try and convince them to join us, if they try and fight us we'll knock them out with the help of midnight, restrain them, and try to convince them then." Said Nezu

-Timeskip a couple of hours with y/n and Vanica house in the middle of the forest-

Y/n: "As always I win. Man, you need to get better, you kinda suck." You said in a teasing tone to your best and only friend.

Vanica: "NOT FAIR! YOU CHEATED!!" As she was about to say more, their doorbell rings.

Y/n: "Vanica, be on guard, I'll get the door" as you open the door, you see A man with a black mask, along with a man with light blue hair with hands all over his face, A psychotic looking girl with blonde hair styled in 2 messy buns, A man with black hair and scars all over his face, And the man in a black and white bodysuit with 2 red wristbands, and a man with a top hat, orange jacket, and a black and white mask.

???: "Hello friends... You see... you messed up my plans, and for that, YOU DIE!"

So how was it? This is my first time writing on this app, so I'm not the greatest. But I'll get better over time. Sorry if this is trash or the grammar is bad, I'm making this on mobile. Yours and Vanicas powers will be explained in the next chapter. See ya there.

The Monster Duo (Malereader x BNHA) [COMPLETE]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang