He flies off

Y/n walks up to Toph

Y/n: You can't see?

Toph: Not very well...kind of feels weird to walk on the sand...

Y/n: May I hold your hand?

Toph: Umm...sure...

He grabs her hand

Y/n: Then say close to me alright?

Toph: I thought you only talked like that when you were mad?

Y/n: I think it's during times of extreme emotion, happiness, sadness, anger...and when I'm around...Azula...

Toph: Are you mad?

Y/n: Yes...

Toph: At me?

Y/n: No Toph, I know you did your best...that's all we ever can do...do our best and hope for the best back...

Toph: Are we gonna die out here?

Y/n: Not with me here...

He starts to cool down the air around him

Y/n: Katara, Sokka, stay close...

Sokka: Y/n listen...

Y/n: I think now isn't a great time...

Toph: There were so many...

Y/n: I know Toph...

Toph: I'm sorry...

Y/n thinks for a bit

Y/n: You know will cheer you up?

Toph: What?

Y/n: We're gonna find Appa and I'm sure he'll be just as happy to see you as you are to see him...and I've been working on a way to help you read...

Toph: Really?

Y/n: I'll be working on it after the war for you okay? But we'll start small...like tracing words on your hands...

She squeezes his hand and punches his shoulder

She doesn't say anything but y/n knows what she means

Y/n: No problem Toph...

They walk through the sand not knowing where they are going but staying together

Y/n starts to calm down as his speech returns to the way it usually is...

The sky turns dark as the moon lights up the way

Y/n: Thanks Yue...

Katara: I think we should all rest here...

Sokka: I need some water...

Katara: Everyone can get one sip...

She waterbends Sokka and Toph water and gives herself some as well...

Katara: Y/n...

Y/n: No...Aang has been...out for a while...give him y/n's too...

Katara: I'm sure he'll appreciate that...

Y/n: Get sleep...y/n wait...for him...

Everyone lays down as y/n keeps them warm

Aang walks up with his head down

Aang: I'm so sorry y/n...I've already lost Appa and I'm...I'm scared...I don't want to lose you too...you don't have to like me, you don't have to do it for me...but please don't go...

Y/n hugs Aang

Y/n: We'll do this together okay? Trust me...

Aang releases the hug as he sits down

Y/n: Y/n keep...you all warm...drink water and sleep...

Aang nods his head as he drinks some

Aang: Did you drink some already?

Y/n: Left for you...

Aang: Are you sure?

Y/n gives a thumbs up and smiles

Y/n: Positively!

Aang drinks the rest of the water and lays down

Aang: The world doesn't deserve you, you're the best...

Y/n: I'm nothing special but you all...

He opens his notebook and looks at all the pages, pictures, his moments of learning, and names...the memories being made...

Y/n: You're all the best...

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