Chapter 6 - No More Secrets

Start from the beginning

“Welcome, my Dark Revengers.” He said, voice deep and hoarse. “Shall we begin?”

A pause, broken only by the whispers of flames as they curled in the harsh breeze.

“Begin what, exactly?” It was a male voice, almost as deep as the previous but more pronounced. He leant against a stone pillar indolently, head tilted towards the cobbled ground, the warm amber light of a candle reflecting across his shoulders and the black leathered hat concealing his face, a wooden shape and a carving knife in his hands.

“Why,” The Dark One said. “To destroy Team Enigma, just as our previous master planned."


The Enigmus

Moonlight was streaming through the cracks in the cabins side, casting streaks of cool white across the many hammocks and sleeping crew mates dotted around the room.

It would have been calming and soothing, at least somewhat so, if the slightest sliver of light didn't cause a stabbing pain behind my eyes and thundering in my head.

Groaning, I turned in my hammock and pulled the large jug from between the folds in my blanket, sipping the Bacardi sluggishly as I raked my hand through my hair, pushing the dark, tangled mass from my face, flinching slightly when the cold glass of the jug brushed the pale skin beneath my untucked shirt. I turned again and felt a tired smile tug at the corner of my lips.

Everything upon the Enigmus had finally been righted: the Great One had been killed, Bitey is Bitey again, instead of being called freaking Cuddles, and the Captain was back to her usual, sarcastic self. It took her long enough.

We all had a rather large celebration when the Captain returned to us: properly I mean, not... Well, not as Cara. It had been a rigorous and blissful night, full of off-key singing, merry cheering and, of course, drinking... Which was the reason as to why the celebrations had ended so soon.

The Captain had decided to reward us by sharing her well cherished rum. All of it. Which was something we had no problem demolishing.

We did not, however, listen to the Cap'n: whom, for once, was the voice of both reason and experience when she had told us to take it easy. But hey, everyone had seemed to enjoy themselves.... While it had lasted.

Unable to sleep, I placed the jug onto the planked floor and pushed my upper body into an erect position, leaning on my elbows as the material swayed softly beneath me. I chuckled softly at the sight of my crew mates, either snoring or completely unconscious, who lay in heaps over the sides of their hammocks with both their limbs and hair dangling towards the floor.  I silently laughed at the sight of everyone. We hadn't had a party such as this one in so long that everyone was a little green from the effects of drinking so much.

Oh well, we're allowed a break once in a while.

I took a final sip from my jug and put it back on the floor as quietly as I could and leant back in my hammock and drifted off to sleep again.


Meanwhile, the Captain and Winter were the only one's awake. Winter steered the ship as usual, sipping from her bottle of Coke occasionally, always keeping an eye on the horizon as the Captain sat near her, on the rigging as if it was the most normal thing in the world, her feet dangling in front of her as she swung aimlessly, patiently waiting for her turn to steer. They both took turns steering since the sea was calm, thankfully so was the Enigmus now the Captain was back to her normal self. Surprisingly in the case of the Captain, neither of them decided to drink since all the other crew mate's were now either passed out or asleep. The Captain didn't feel like drinking. In all honesty, it reminded her of all the problems she had caused for her crew over the past few weeks. From the Great One, to the Writer's Block, to the awful effects of the amnesia, she was surprised her crew didn't dump her in the sea and leave her to drown. But she was proud of them, after all of that crap she put them through they all stayed faithful til the very end. Even Winter.

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