Chapter 11 - Meet The Parents

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Amity walked through the halls of Hexside, chatting with Willow and Boscha. Luz had stayed home that day because something big had happened that she said she'd explain when Amity came over to the owl house after school. So now, Amity was stuck listening to the new couple be all lovey-dovey without any girlfriend of her own to fawn over, even if she would've had to be more subtle than 'Boschlow,' as Luz had called them. "It's a ship name, Ams," she had said. Amity didn't bother to argue or ask questions. 

The day went by dully and Amity couldn't help but find herself missing Luz. Sure, they wrote to each other, a lot, throughout the day, but she wanted to be with her. To hold her and kiss her. To hear her laugh and see her eyes scrunch up when she smiled. When the final bell screamed, Amity shot out of her seat, barely stopping to say goodbye or make up any valid excuses as to her rush to anyone. She hummed a tune to herself as she walked to the owl house, trying to compose herself as to not make a fool out of herself in front of her former mentor or the owl lady. 

"Luz! Your girlfriend is here!" Hooty shreiked. Amity muttered to herself that Bonesburrow could probably hear Hooty's shrill voice. She heard muffled shouting and a concerningly loud crash before, finally, Luz swung open the door. The two girls stood there for a moment, both faces wearing a dusty blush, unsure of what proper girlfriend greeting etiquette was. Luz finally decided that it was a quick kiss on the lips.

"Ams, I missed you," she greeted. Amity smiled.

"I missed you too, Luz."

"I'm so excited for this." Luz grabbed her hand and pulled her inside. "Amity Blight, I'd like to introduce you to... my mom!" She moved her arms to indicate to a woman wearing jeans and a pink T-shirt and glasses. The woman immediately ran to Amity and scooped her up in a hug before she even had a chance to speak. Then she stepped away and Luz moved to Amity's side. She took Amity's hand in her own and kissed her on the cheek.

"Ustedes dos son lindas juntas, cariño," the woman exclaimed to Luz. Amity didn't understand what she'd said but whatever it was made Luz blush.

"Te dije que te gustaría. Me gustan mucho sus orejas puntiagudas. ¿Y no son hermosos sus ojos dorados?" Luz responded with a smile, gazing lovingly at Amity. The two humans laughed.

"Luz, I thought your mother was in the human realm?" Amity questioned, still caught off guard. 

"It's a long, long story but apparently she and Eda are soulmates! Isn't that crazy?" 

"That's... Wow, that's awesome Luz," Amity smiled. She could tell how excited her girlfriend was that her mentor and mother were together. 

"I've heard so much about you, Amity," Camila stepped forward again and patted her on the shoulder. "Luz really seems to like you." Both girls turned bright red.

"Oh, uh, I've heard a lot about you too, Miss Noceda," Amity stammered.

"Mami, me estás avergonzando." 

"Este es tu castigo por mentir," her mother responded with a glint in her eyes. Amity looked between the two as they good-naturedly argued in Spanish and she could see the resemblance. Both had dark tan skin that complimented them perfectly. Both had round features down to their ears, though the ears were more of a human thing rather than a genetic thing. And she could definitely see where Luz got her smile that Amityloved so much.

Eventually, the two seemed to come to a truce. "Would you like something to eat, miss Blight?" Eda offered as she walked into the room and wrapped her arms around Camila's waist. "I just made some onion tear soup." 

"I love onion tear soup. Thank you, owl lady."

"I'll just have a PB&J," Luz said, scrunching up her nose.

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