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Italic= Aidan's P.O.V


Third person's P.O.V

You wish to be the Heather in your story, but what if you're the Heather in a different story.

Y/N has a big crush on someone and he's Mike, she's lucky since her besfriend Aidan has a good friendship with Mike.

Aidan is always helping Y/N to her crush, he did everything to make her happy. Even tough it hurts

Aidan likes Y/N.. Actually he loves Y/N.. He wants to make Y/N happy so he help her. 

Even tough it hurts


" Hey Aidan!" Y/N said as Aidan smiled and come closer to her, They hugged and Y/N seems excited and happy today.

Her smile can make my day 

" Hey Y/N! " 

" OMG do you know? Mike kissed me on cheek yesterday, and I wask like about to die" Y/N said as Aidan's smiled kinda fade away.

Oh.. Well it's going to be worth it if it was me.

" Well that nice! " Aidan said with a fake smile. They had a good conversation after that. After a few minutes there's a new girl in their school.

The both is smilling until the girl kissed Mike, which made Y/N's emotion sad and Aidan got sad because of Y/N.

" It's fine Y/N you deserve someone better" Y/N nodded and they walk away.

And that's me.


Nothing happened after that scene, they just all go inside their classroom, Y/N is not in mood since some girl kissed Mike.

She thought she was the one.

" Hey Y/N are you okay " Aidan asked. " What do you think? After that.. What's the point of kissing me." Y/N stated.

" Hey Y/N, it's okay don't mind it I know you like him but..." Aidan said trying to comfort Y/N.

" Do you know the girl?" Aidan nodded no.


After that day, the rest became worst to Y/N, The girl and Mike are dating and there were Y/N knew that Mike is using Y/N.

But still Y/N fell for him, that why it's hard to move on.

There were Aidan helping Y/N to keep her happy, even though he's in pain keep believing that Y/N will finally move on to Mike.

He keep trying to not fall inlove to Y/N, but he can't.. He's so inlove.


Aidan found Y/N crying on the field alone, so he come and comfort Y/N.

" Y/N you're crying again? Oh Mike.." Y/N nodded as he hugs Y/N.

" You know Y/N you don't deserve him, please just let go.."

" NO, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, YOU DONT. IT HURTS SEEING HIM WITH ANOTHER. dang she's a fucking Heather." Y/N yelled at Aidan.

" You know what's worst? when you're best friend is falling for someone else, when you're seeing them sad, Y/N I love you but you love someone else you kept saying you wish you were Heather, you wish he's seeing you like a Heather, but Y/N I see you more than Heather." Aidan confessed.

Y/N was shooked. " Aidan wait!" Aidan left her alone. Now she's more than broke than before.


It's been a week since Y/N and Aidan saw each other.

Y/N realized that she love Aidan.

I see you more than Heather

Y/N didn't go at school after that day, she locked her self at her room.

Aidan was worried, so he decided to visit Y/N even though they are not in good intension.

Aidan saw Y/N sleeping peacefully. 

He knocks at the window as Y/N slowly wake up.

She opened the window, as Aidan came inside.

" Hey, I'am sorry" They said in union..

" Uh no I'am sorry Y/N I yelle-" Y/N hushed him " No sorry Aidan, I realized you're the one for me, Mike is just using me, I realized you love me, and I love you too" Y/N kissed Aidan and he kissed back.

Y/N I promise this is real love


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