All I wanted was you (2)

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AidanRGallagher: I can't believe you can sing, I'm proud of you!

Third person's P.O.V

People shocked when Aidan commented on Y/N's live, Well especially Y/N.

People started some rumors that Aidan still miss Y/N, But none of them speak about the rumors so people stop spreading it. Y/N just said that stop spreading some rumors about them.

People can really see that Y/N really move on about him.

But how about Aidan?


Aidan's P.O.V

I really blame my self for this. I'm just scared that our relationship might broke because of the internet but it's stupid that I said that in front of her.

I'm scared to loose her.

I can't believe I hurt the person I really love.

I miss her.


Y/N's P.O.V

I'm going to cover 'All I wanted' on live and I'm getting ready right now.

I'm just happy that people are actually supporting me, because of them I moved on about Aidan, I don't have any update about him, and some supporters of mine stop talking about him. But I want to see him, like be friends with him again, but this time no more feelings.

(Random Person's Name): Hey Y/N you're next, get ready.

I nod and sigh. I get my electric guitar and walk thru the stage.

When I stepped on the stage, my heart is beating fast, I feel really nervous.

People are cheering to me, which my me hype. So I started.

Think of me when you're out, when you're out there
I'll beg you nice from my knees
And when the world treats you way too fairly
Well it's a shame I'm a dream

All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you

I think I'll pace my apartment a few times
And fall asleep on the couch
Wake up early to black and white re-runs?
That escaped from my mouth

Oh, oh

All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you

I could follow you to the beginning
And just to relive the start
And maybe then we'll remember to slow down
At all of our favorite parts

All I wanted was you

All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you
All I wanted was you

After I sang people is cheering me which made me tears and smile. And my world stop when I saw Aidan smiling and clapping his hands. This made me smile more.


After the live show, I go back home by my self. While walking I saw Aidan staring at me so I waved at him and he waved back.

Aidan: Hey.

Y/N: Hey.

We both go to the alley so no one can see us.

Aidan: I miss you so much, how are you?

Y/N: I'm fine. How about you?

Aidan: Well kinda, every day I'm thinking about you. 

Y/N: Really?

Aidan: Yea, oh btw I didn't know you have a secret talent, you're so good.

Y/N: Thanks, I hid it because I'm scared, people might hate me.

Aidan: Hey I'm sorry.

I look at him with a confused, as he teared up.

I wipe his tears with my thumb.

Y/N: Shhh Aidan, It's fine.

Aidan: So can we be together now, like official?

Y/N: I'm sorry Aidan, But I had a hard times moving on about my feelings for you. But we can be friends again, friends without feelings.

Aidan: I understand, I just wanted to be with you it's okay.

Y/N: Thanks.

We smiled to each other and hug.

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