"You chose it!" He yelled over the music as he continued to dance.

I leaned against the metal pole behind me as Tommy continued to jump around. The song finally finished and he threw his arms in the air.

"That's how it's done!" He yelled as he put his arms around me and held onto the metal poles.

I rolled my eyes. "Come on twinkle toes, let's go find something else" I smirked.

"So I just bust my ass and I don't even get so much as a celebratory kiss!?" He giggled as he lowered his face towards mine.

I squeezed his cheeks together and stood up on my tip toes. I pecked Tommy's lips and pulled away, giggling. Tommy pulled me into him and smashed his lips into mine. We were making out when I heard someone clearing their throat. I looked over and saw some young kid standing there with her hands on her hips, she was a little miss!

"Old people are so gross!" She said sassily.

Mine and Tommy's jaws hit the floor.

"Hey! I'm not old! You're old!" Tommy yelled to her. He was so offended but I found it hilarious.

She huffed at Tommy and pushed past him. She stood on the mat Tommy had just been dancing on and glared at us.

"You're in my space" she said with her eyebrow cocked and her arms folded.

"This is why I hate kids" he shook his head and put his arm around me as we walked off.

We were walking around together trying to find a machine but I had a question weighing heavily on my mind.

"Do you really hate kids?" I asked.

"No, kids are great. I mean... I can't wait to be a dad and all but could you imagine if we ever had a daughter!? I couldn't handle all that sass around our house" he said as he shook his head.

"She might be really calm and polite. You never know" I shrugged.

"With Athena, Sharise, Nikki, Vince aaaand Mick around? Not to even mention her actual genetics" He smirked.

"Yeah I guess you have a point. Her first word's probably gonna be fuck" I smirked.

He stopped and his eyes lit up.

"Space invaders is free! Come on let's jump on this before someone else does!" He said excitedly.

He was like a 5 year old having a sugar rush. He took off running towards the machine and I'm pretty sure I saw him push some kid out the way.

I walked over and leaned against the machine. I watched him play a game... then another game... and another...

"So what do you wanna do next?" I asked as I watched what he was doing. I was getting so bored, I'd been standing here for 45 minutes.

"Uhhhh... it's up to you babe" he said without taking his eyes off the screen.

"You wanna go on those coin pushers over there" I asked as I pointed to them.

"Yeah just give me 5 minutes" he said, still keeping his eyes fixated on the screen.

I rolled my eyes and huffed a little.

Dishing The Dirt: Tommy Lee • Mötley Crüe •Where stories live. Discover now