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Rain. I was awoken to sound of it, lashing itself against the windows at around 3am. The moonlight ever so slightly lit up the dark room, the droplets of rainwater shadowing against the window. Juyeon's arm was beneath me still, despite him now laying on his back.

I turned over to look at him, his now faded blue hair swept over his face. He was pretty, even whilst asleep. Shutup Y/N, get a grip. I'm not wrong, however there was something about him that was once again so compelling. I just couldn't put my finger on what it was.
I got up, making sure not to stir in a way that would accidentally wake him up. I walked over to the window, we overlooked the beach. It was beautiful at night, the moon sat itself tranquilly just beyond the line of the sea. The waves were calm as the waters laid almost still, minuscule crashes every now and then against the sand.
"Why are you awake?" Juyeon who was now awake called from the bed, where he leaned over to look at me. I peered back to him, the rain now stopping as the last few droplets patted the window.
"The rain woke me up." I sighed walking back to the bed. "The horizon looks so beautiful."
"Do you wanna go see it? now?" He asked propping himself up on his elbows.
"Really? But it's the middle of the night. What if we wake the others? What if there's teenagers out or something." I couldn't believe he was asking this, it was ridiculous especially at this time.
"We'll just sit on our part of the beach from the balcony. We're still on the property. You wanted to see the beach." He smiled as I just laughed, I couldn't believe he was willing to get out of bed at this hour to watch the sky. It was out of character for him compared to when I first met him.
I got up from the bed as did he, I slipped on my shoes by the foot of the bed and we walked downstairs of the now dark house.
Backing off of the kitchen was the balcony door, unlocking it and sliding it back Juyeon stepped out onto the wooden paneling.

The sky made everything light up sapphire in the night, the stars were now visible through the few black clouds that passed.
I sat down on the sand just in front of the entrance, Juyeon sat next to me and looked out to the ocean. He lit a cigarette between his lips again, that was a habit i wanted him to drop too other than his mood swings.
It was silent for a while, we watched the waves roll up to shore, felt the sand beneath us, The sky lit up by a vibrant full moon, it was stunning at this hour.
The wind was cold and bitter but I didn't mind it. Cold weather was never something that fazed me, I don't think it did Juyeon either who soon broke the comfortable silence upon us.

"Do you miss your old life Y/N?" He asked slightly solemnly, almost as if he felt a sudden wave of guilt upon him.

I thought for a while before answering.

"If i'm honest Juyeon, No." I laughed to myself, I had my reasons of course. "Before this happened, I was late on my rent payments by 6 months now. I was in debt, my job wasn't paying me enough, medical school fees were building up. My parents were nagging me to get a real job sooner without using their money. When this first happened, I thought you all were heartless murderers with conflicting attitudes. I soon realized you're all just boys, with so much anger and history you just take it out on the world. I like you all if I'm honest, even if you have your moments." I smiled once again, he nodded along as I spoke, listening attentively.
"I'm sorry once again Y/N." He said sighing slightly looking out to the ocean once again.
"It's fine, I know what you do. I'd rather be here safely than dead." I playfully punched him as he put his cigarette out causing him to liven up a bit as I joked about our first encounter.

He looked up at me as the laughter came to a close, his dark brown eyes now lighter in the moonlight as it hit them. His skin glistened almost perfectly, his slight scars making crevasses in his pale skin. His lips parted as his smile faded in the moment. He gazed back at me as I did him.

I felt him lean closer to me, his face now so close to mine I could hear the pitch of every breath he took. His nose brushed over mine, his hand rested on my jaw, about to close the gap until..

"Woah-" Chanhee walked into the frame of the balcony door with a pistol at hand. We looked up at him composing ourselves as if nothing ever happened.
"NEVERMIND GUYS ITS JUST SOME RACOONS!.. some real lovely raccoons ha-" Chanhee shouted back covering for us, making me giggle slightly.
Haknyeon suddenly came to the doorway.
"Oh wow-" He was shocked for a second, "YEAH GUYS HES RIGHT JUST SOME RACOONS.. some real big racoons.." He shouted trailing off the same way Chanhee did.

I laughed putting my head in my hands as they closed the balcony door running away giggling.
"You don't think he saw do you?" I said slightly cringing at the fact Chanhee had to walk out at that moment.
"He saw."Juyeon bluntly replied before giggling.
He ran his fingers through his hair, sweeping it from being in his eyes. It was bothering me how his roots were now visible and the blue was bluntly faded.
"Can I dye your hair?" I suddenly asked to which he looked at me confused.
"But i like blue." He replied looking at it as it sat above his eyebrows.
"It's faded, we can do it blue again." I said trying to persuade him once again.
"What color would you want it to be? Whatever you say goes." He smirked as my eyes lit up. I thought for a while.. black.. it would hit him a lot. He has such dark and attractive features. It would be like the missing piece to his exterior.
"Black." I said as i awaited his reaction.
"I haven't had black hair since I was in middle school." He laughed almost putting the idea off.
"I really think it would make you look gorgeous Juyeon." I said once again trying to win him over.
"Hmm.. when you put it like that." He smiled as if the comment had made him shy.
"We're dyeing it." I chuckled evilly.
"Let's go back to sleep. The others will want us to go out with them tomorrow." He said getting up smiling still, I hadn't seen him smile for that long before.
We got back upstairs quietly, I got back into my side of the bed. Juyeon was quick to have other plans, wrapping his arms around my frame just like before. It was weird... we were friends but acted like this.


clover note: ooo there's something in the water... ( ) ... thank you all for reading so far ! i hope everything is going well for you as it is me!

if it's not... take care and i hope this book comforts you in whatever you're going through. you deserve a safe literature space and i hope to give you that here.

As i said in past authors notes ! i'm preparing books for other members too so be prepared i'm really excited to get started on publishing them <3


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