There was always an unwritten option to be fashionably late, so she'd purposefully taken a quick nap. No sweat since Malcolm's apartment was one building away from her.

The problem with being a flight attendant was that their body clock mirrored their monthly roster. They were both messed up. Trust that if she had an afternoon nap, she'd wake up, hungry and full of energy at three in the morning. If Drew didn't ring her twenty minutes ago, that would've been her fate on repeat.

"Do you need some help?" asked a familiar voice behind her.

Veronica turned, and her eyes fell on the last person she expected to see. It was Eric Klein, grinning from ear to ear, looking ridiculously handsome in a navy pullover and dark pants.

"Eric!" she exclaimed as they exchanged three cheek kisses.

"You look stunning, as usual, Veronica," he smiled.

God, she missed him, even if he'd forgotten about her.

"Are you here for Malcolm's birthday?" she asked.

"Yes," he lifted the bottle of champagne in his hand.

She, too, showed off her gift, chuckling at how similar they were in more ways than one.

They walked into the crowded apartment of attractive cabin crew and muscled kiwi men, some of them pro rugby players playing for the Dubai team. All congregated in the kitchen, toasting to a few beers. She recognized a few of them as they all greeted her with a kiss.

"Thanks for coming, man. I'm glad you're in the region," Malcolm hugged Eric after introducing him to everyone.

"Hey, I'm happy you called."

After some catching up with Drew and Danielle while watching sports on TV, a few of them grumbled at the testosterone overload. So half the crowd had gone up on the roof deck for a night swim in the heated pools.

Veronica stood up to get another glass of wine in the kitchen while Eric left the boys and followed her.

"I'm going upstairs for some air," she said as she replenished their glasses.

"I'll come with you," he said.

"What about the rugby match?" she teased.

"I can always watch the replay later."

The ultra fast speed elevator took them up to the 88th floor in less than ten seconds

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The ultra fast speed elevator took them up to the 88th floor in less than ten seconds. Before taking him to the pool area, she asked him to follow her to a secret spot only a few people knew about.

"Are we allowed to enter?" Eric hesitated, admiring her tanned skin. He'd never broken any rules in his life.

"Of course, not," she giggled. "Why do you think it's empty? Wait here. Close your eyes and give me your hand. Watch your step."

TRAVEL ROMANCE SERIES: #1 GENEVA | BÉBÉWhere stories live. Discover now