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You twirl your spear in the coals of the fire before you. You and your allies, Cato and Clove from District Two, Glimmer and Marvel from District One, and Aury, your partner from District Three, sit  around the warmth the flames are projecting into the evening chill. You look up from the hot logs to see Glimmer flirting with Cato again, giggling like she always does. You roll your eyes and stab your weapon deeper into the fire. Clove is sitting in the shadows, watching her partner and the girl from One banter playfully, making Clove's eyes narrow in jealousy. Marvel leans back against a tree and asks, his eyes closed, "So, are we going hunting again tomorrow?"

Aury speaks up, his voice quiet and squeaky, reflecting his mousy appearence. "Can we just hunt for animals tomorrow?" You throw him a warning look, silently begging him to be quiet. Last time he opened his mouth he was almost killed by the brute from Two. You had to step in and save him, allowing Cato to make a comment about how weak Three was, how they wouldn't survive very long if they didn't watch their back. You shudder slightly at the memory.

Cato answers Aury, his voice cold. "And why would we do that?" Aury shrugs, clearly not seeing how angry Cato is at the moment. "Because, we, we, so I thought-" "Exactly. You thought. I'm the one who does the thinking around here. If I wanted your opinion I would have asked for it. Got it?" Aury manages a short nod, keeping his mouth shut. You breathe out the breath you had been holding, relieved that as for now, Cato won't kill him. Still, you have to be weary of your allies.

Because any of them could turn against you or Aury at any moment, and you might not be ready for it. Meaning that you could be dead, very very soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2012 ⏰

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