Chapter Three

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A month has gone by. Kiara and Lucas drew closer and closer. She spent most of her time hidden away with him. With Alpha Ray's orders, no one assumed a thing. With Lucas having his own shack, Kiara was free to be in her human form as much as she wanted. She loved how Lucas looked in his human form. Big and strong. Even with all his scars and marks she was crazy about him.
It was early one morning when Kiara awoke to a weird sound. She crawled out of his bed and stood.


He stood from his table and gazed at her.

"Sorry. Trying to make something."

She smiled at him leaning against his wall.


"I like the shirt."

Kiara gazed down at one of the many shirts she had stolen from him. He was much taller so it covered everything anyways.

"Thanks. My new dress."

He came over and wrapped his arms around her body, kissing her lips. Kiara held him tightly smiling.

"What are you making?"

"Just odds and ends for travel and such."

Lucas turned from her and cleaned up his table.

"Are you hunting today?"

"No. The packs have their orders from me."

Kiara folded her arms watching him start to make her food. Like he did every morning.

"Tomorrow I am."

Lucas nodded and settled on his table.

"Alpha wants to speak to me later today."

"Are you worried?"

"No. Probably sending me to kill someone."

He sighed heavily, gazing up at her. Kiara reached out and gently touched his missing eye.

"You are too good for the life you live Lucas."

"Keeps me closer to you."

His eye closed as she ran her hand down his cheek.

"You keep me sane."

"I do a lot for you."

She said smiling. Kissing his cheek she went back to his bed to find her clothes. Lucas rose and went to her side.

"Run with me."

Confused she glanced at him.


"Run away with me."

He whispered. Kiara stared at him, dropping her clothes back on the bed.

"Like leave the pack?"

He nodded. Silent. Kiara sighed and reached out to hold his hand.

"Alpha will find you."

"I don't care. We'll go find a house, live with the humans, start over."

His eye deterred from hers as he said.

"Start a life with each other..."

Kiara smiled at him, circling her arm around his waist.

"Like me that much huh?"

"I don't like you Kiara."

His eye was solemn.

"I love you."

She was shocked, taken aback. Lucas grinned and pulled her into his side.

"I can't go back to the way things used to be. I'd die. I need you Kiara...more than I need air to breathe. Which I am pretty sure means I love you."

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