Chapter Two

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The next morning Kiara was up early sending her hunting parties out. The land was quiet. Most of the pack was off at the lake. Kiara sat in her favorite tree reading. The cool breeze felt good on her muzzle. The air smelt of spring.


She looked up into the branches and found Lucas staring down at her.

"May I speak with you?"

"Sure. Come down."

He landed on the branch just above her and said.

"Why don't you leave?"

Kiara looked around for her parents just in case then gazed up at him.

"I feel pent up. Just time I think. But parents, and the pack, and all that stuff just makes it hard."

He nodded and laid his head down.

"So you don't think I'm an animal?"

"Not at all. It must be lonely. Having everyone fear you."

Lucas nodded and let his eyes close.

"I have learnt to deal with it."

"You shouldn't have to. We are Lycans. We love our families."

She sighed and let her book down.

"Even if they are not of the same blood. I will be your friend. It is my duty as a Lycan."

He climbed down to her branch and sat beside her.

"You will catch hell from the pack."

"We as Lycans must look out for each other. We are all we have."

Kiara said shaking her head.

"It is I who will have the clean conscious."

"Alright. Well I'm Lucas and I like wood carving."

Kiara smiled and asked.

"Really? Like making stuff?"

"Yeah. My dad taught me a very long time ago. I got pretty good at it."

"Well I guess so. I'd like to see some of your work."

He shrugged and looked down.

"I dunno. I haven't shown anyone in a while."

"I won't laugh or poke fun."

Kiara said patting his shoulder.


He nodded and looked at her.

"Alright. I will one day. What do you like?"


She said plainly.

"Not much else to do."

"True. How about you come by my place and I'll show you how to carve wood? And some of my stuff."

"Alright. What harm could that do."

"It's that shack you found before."

"How come you can't live with us?"

Kiara asked turning towards him. Lucas shrugged.

"It's the rules. I don't really mind. I've never liked caves."

"Same. It's damp all the time."

Lucas lifted his ears hearing something.

"I am being summoned. I'll see you later. Thanks again."

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