Chapter Four

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Kiara awoke the next morning feeling much better. Her soreness was gone and the pounding headache had vanished. She rolled over and found Lucas gazing back at her. She smiled and touched his worn chest.


"I thought I had lost you..."

He whispered. Kiara pulled him arm around her and said.

"Well here I am. In your arms. Where I belong."

Lucas smiled at her.

"How did you sleep?"

"Well actually. I like this idea of an actual bed."


They laid together in silence for a while. Only to be disturbed by a soft knocking at their door. Lucas crawled out of bed as Kiara sat up.


It was an older woman. She had tan skin, short black hair, and dark brown eyes. She seemed wise.

"I'm Sophia the Healer of this complex. May I come in? I'm here to take out your stiches Lucas."

"Yes. Come in."

Lucas said nodding. Kiara wandered out into the hallway as Lucas was seen. Gazing out the window at the end of the hall she could see tons of little ones running around and playing. Older Lycans lounged under the shade of big weeping willows, carefree. She smiled to herself. This was perfect. Especially for Lucas, he needed to be somewhere else beside his shack.


She turned and found Finn standing a few feet away.

"I see you slept well."

"Yes. Thank you again. You are such a kind, gentle Alpha male."

"No thanks needed. My people needed me."

He said shaking his head.

"But I must ask. Why leave your pack?"

Kiara sighed softly, glancing towards her room.

"Lucas is...was a Remover."

"That I could tell. The scars."

"The pack hated him. I was always taught to hate him."

Finn nodded crossing his arms.

"You bore his child?"

"No. I just fell for him. Our Alpha did not approve. I wanted to leave for a while anyways, he couldn't find a reason to leave before me so he just went numb."

Kiara sighed again.

"I had to get him away from there. I was losing the male I love."

"Understood. Well, this place is for rouge wolves. Males and females who no longer want to be in a pack."

Finn leaned against the wall gazing at her.

"You get two months of rent free housing. After that you can decide to stay and work for us here to pay your rent or I own another complex down the road a ways. You can move there for a discounted rate but you would need a real job. I have a few wolves here who make birth certs and social cards. They are free, reprints are not. You and Lucas are safe here. No need to fear your Alpha anymore."

"I cannot tell you what this means to us. Thank you again Alpha."

"Please. Call me Finn. Alpha is to formal."

"Of course."

Kiara glanced back at her room again then asked.

"Do you know Lucas?"

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