The Love Of A Mate

Start from the beginning

"Come on, babe. Dance with me." Mark whined, as he tugged lightly at Samanthas hand. "I want to show you off." He said with a wolffish grin, as he tugged harder.

"Show what off? How fat I am?" She scoffed with an eye roll.

"You're not fat. You're all belly." He cooed as if that would change her current disposition.

"A big fat round belly." She said back bitterly as she looked at the hump protruding from her abdomen.

"It's sexy." He leaned in, to whisper closer at her ear. "Come on, dance with me." He began to plead trying to garner her sympathy at his begging direction.

"I don't feel like it, Mark." She sighed showing her own fatigue with a shake of her head.

"Well.. if you don't dance with me now, maybe I won't feel like tying you up later." He purred out for her ears only, as his hot breath encroached in the depth of her ear.

"Don't tease." She scoffed bitterly.

"I'm not teasing. I'd love to see that tight body of yours suspended in the air." He purred again, trying to illicit her movement.

"You're not joking?" She eyed him suspiciously.

"Don't question me." He said back harshly at her in a firm deliberate manner. "Come.

"Yes, beta." She said in submission taking his hands direction and being led into the floor.


"Never have I seen a more beautiful vision than what my eyes look upon tonight."  Cane said gripping at Marie's hips firmly as they stood to the side of the room.

"My dear, sometimes you talk too much." She said back with flushed cheeks, as she gripped his face in her cupped hands and provided him the sweetest of kisses.


"I see Skylar found you." Jason said bluntly grabbing her stemmed glass and smelling its contents to ensure she had not been a accidentally provided with wine.

"He did, but he came as a friend, believe it or not." She said taking back her glass with an eye roll as she sipped her grape juice. "He has provided the wine for tonight's toast." She said in addition, trying to smooth over her mates disliking for the other Alpha.

"I'm aware." He said gruffly back only giving her a side glance as he sipped his own wine. Quickly moving to change the topic. "How are you feeling? Have you eaten enough?" His over protective nature taking hold of the conversation.

"I've eaten plenty, I feel stuffed." She lied, not really having an opportunity to eat as she had been inundated with the masses of people trying to grab her attention.

"Eat some more." He said back, wanting her to gain weight quickly so they could produce a healthy pup.

"Maybe in a little bit." She said back, really being exhausted and wanting to just be idle for the moment.

"Come, we'll get you some food." He said back quickly ignoring her words and pulling her by the wrist to the head table, where his eyes quickly scolded her for the full plate of untouched food that sat at her placement. "Eat." He said gruffly, pulling out her chair, and depositing her before curling his fingers over to a server and directing for more food to be brought. Jason would be her personal nutritionist for the next five months. She would have to say goodbye to her sugar laden cereal breakfasts as he would pull out his alpha control over what she ate. His child would only be afforded the best.


The night carried on and enjoyment was had by all those who attended. The final toast of the night had signaled the nights end, everyone finding the wine and grape juice provided by the Floridian alpha as a gift more than acceptable. It was time to call the night to a close, as people began to filter out, in coupled pairs, assuring many pups would be bared as a result of the fruitful night. Elizabeth and Jason were one of the last few within the ballroom taking in the aftermath of the nights events.

"Baby.." she whined, as he stumbled happily in a drunken manner forward. "Let's just stay at the pack house. You can't drive."

"Yes, it's closer. Then we will fuck till dawn." He said back emphatically, grabbing at her hip tightly as he began to lead her away from the emptying ball room.

"Or sleep." She said giving him a side eye.

"Nope, we're definitely fucking. All night long." His words almost singing out at their completion.

"I'm tired." She whined again, her hand going on his back as a mental stabilizing support as his heavy footsteps continued to guide them back in the direction of the pack house by foot.

"What kind of Alpha would I be if I did not bring my Luna to completion on the night of her ceremony?" He said in what he thought was a whisper, garnering snickers from others departing the now ending festivity.

"A kind one." She said back with a roll of her eyes.

"Not a chance." He said back firmly with an avid shake of his head. He had every intention of wrecking her world as soon as they were deposited in his room beside his office.

"What about the baby?" She further whined in protest.

"He is strong like me, he'll be fine." He said back unconcerned.

"What makes you so sure the baby's a he?" She questioned with an arched eyebrow to which he only laughed at her thinking there was any other possibility.

"I just know, baby." He said with a sloppy nod. "Come, let's go before I take you right here."  He quickened their pace.

"Will you ever be satisfied?" She sighed as she continued to follow his direction.

"Never." He said back honestly, his arm tightly wrapped about her waist as he led her in eager.

The End

-Please follow my account for the sequel to this story, The Unbreakable Bond.

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