Hesitantly, Germany took the treat and took a small bite. The way his eyes lit up made England's heart flutter. "This is amazing," he exclaimed, then went back to eating.

     England couldn't help but beam. "I-I'm glad you like it."

     As Germany finished, England noticed that some frosting got smeared on the corner of his mouth. "You got some frosting on your face." He gestured to the spot, but no matter how many times he pointed to the corner of his mouth, Germany couldn't seem to find it. so, taking a napkin, he reached over and wiped off the frosting himself. As he leaned back he saw Germany's whole face go red, leading to his own blushing face. Trying to move past the little "moment", England picked up one of his scones (unburnt for once) and took a bite, refusing to look at the man across from him.

     By the time they finished their tea and cakes, England's embarrassment had mostly subsided and his confidence was slowly coming back. "So...I was thinking..." he began, "perhaps we could play a bit of croquet before you have to go."

     "Uh...w-w-well...I...I don't. I can't say I-I played before."

     "I'll teach you."

     Soon, the hoops were set up and England was handing Germany a mallet. England began to explain the rules and stance as he got into position to show Germany. "Now you try," England offered, "remember, just bend the knees slightly." He guided the German's hands into position and fixed his elbows until it was in almost perfect position. "You should be good now. Just hit the ball and we'll aim for just getting it through the hoop until you get the hang of it."

     Despite having the proper stance, Germany seemed unable to put the needed force behind it. England could tell he was getting frustrated by the knitting of his brows and the tightness of his jaw. Taking a place behind him, England placed his hands over Germany's, pulled the mallet back, and shot the ball through the hoop. "There we go," he mumbled, tickling Germany's neck in the process. As the two parted, their faces and necks were bright red. "I-I-I think that's enough for the day. Ahem...Care for a stroll?" Germany could only give a nod as a response.

     The walk started off quiet as neither dared to speak after the little "moment" they had just had. Every so often, their hands would brush sending England's heart into his throat.

     "I know I've already said this, but your garden is so beautiful. It's as if it came from a fairytale."

     England let out a strained laugh. "Th-thanks. I tried."

     "You're very talented. You can bake, garden, sing, draw. I'm a little jealous."

     "Oh please. You're hard-working, well organized. And if you think I'm good at baking, you are 10 times better. And not only that you are han-" before he finished his statement, he realized what he was about to say and slapped his hand over his mouth. He prayed that Germany hadn't noticed, but luck and God were not on his side.

     "England are you okay?" Germany asked, his voice laced with concern.

     "I-I-I-I'm f-fine. I just...haven't been complimented so much...and it's even more meaningful coming from you." When he looked back up at Germany, the man's face was completely red. "D-Don't take it the wrong way. You're just...just a really admirable person a-a-and-"

     "I-I get it. Forgive me."

      "It's fine."

     At this point, they had stopped in front of a willow tree that stood in the center of the garden. Another moment of silence and avoiding looking at each other. "C-Can I try something?" they eventually said, though at the same time. England let out a genuine laugh at the situation, making Germany's heart leap out of his chest.

     "You go first," England offered with a soft smile.

     "O-Okay." He reached out a shaky hand and took hold of England's. "Y-You can tell me to stop."

     First England's eyes go wide in shock, but it is quickly replaced by another chuckle. Germany was about to pull his hand away, but the Englishman grasped both hands in his before he could pull away. "I'm sorry for worrying you. But I was wanting to do something similar. I'm relieved, elated honestly, but I wasn't expecting it." He pulled Germany closer, debating whether he should go ahead and kiss him, but he was interrupted by the chiming of the church bells. He pulled away slightly, but refused to let go of Germany's hands. "W-Well...it's about time for dinner."

     "I'll take you out. Since you did so much for this afternoon...a-a-and..."

     "Say no more love." So the two headed back into the house to get ready for dinner (and their first date).

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