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     "I'm home, love," echoed England's tired voice through the house. He tossed his keys on the table and dragged himself to the living room. The foldable tables were already set up, much to Brit's relief. Today was a rough day and he just wanted to eat dinner and go to sleep. He had almost fallen asleep on the couch, but the sound of a plate clattering in front of him woke him up. He raised his head to face a plate of fish and chips and the uncharacteristically soft gaze of his boyfriend. "My favorite," he mumbled with a grin.

     "Long day?" Germany asked, taking a seat beside England with his own meal.


     "How was it?"

     "Same old same old. My brothers would not get off my back, then when we reconvened after lunch, Australia's "pet" tarantula got loose and we had to spend the rest of the meeting looking for it...Nothing out of the normal I suppose. Still got a headache in the end."

     "Well," Germany murmured, leaning over to kiss his boyfriend's temple, "we'll just have a quiet night tonight." England, in turn, leaned into the touch.

     "Sounds like a plan." And so, the two ate their meal in comfortable silence, leaning into each other.


     After dinner, England threw himself down onto the couch, having no energy to make it to the bed. "I'm never getting up again," He mumbled into a nearby pillow he grabbed.

     "You're such a drama queen sometimes," Germany sighed as he collected the dirty dishes.

     "Why you-"

     Germany only rolled his eyes at the sight. England may have not show it as much, but he could be as needy as Italy sometimes, especially when tired or sick (or drunk). Never-the-less, after putting the dishes away, he went over to the closet to grab a blanket. Pushing the other into a sitting position, Germany made his own spot on the couch and wrapped himself and England in the blanket.

     Despite being angry at the German only a few minutes ago, the tired Englishman still snuggled up to the other's side. Germany, on the other hand, was flipping through channels to find something on T.V. while also trying to calm his fast-beating heart and heated face. He eventually decided on some tacky game show just to fill the growing silence. The action was made pointless in the end as England's snores began drowning out the sound. He chuckled at the sound and placed a kiss on his forehead. "Sweet dreams, mein liebster."


Mien Liebster = my love/my dear

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