English Tea

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   It was actually a sunny day for once. Not that England hated the rain (he loved such weather), but considering his plans, today involved being outside, the nice weather was welcomed. He had spent most of the morning baking. Scones, Fairy cakes, sponge cakes. You name it, he was    baking it. He even made his own icing for certain desserts. He may have been unable to cook, but he sure as hell could bake.

     After finishing most of the sweets and having a small breakfast of tea and toast, England went out into the garden, watering and tending to the many plants. Usually, such tasks brought him joy, but on this particular day, he couldn't stop his hands from shaking or his mind from racing about everything else that needed prepping. He carefully ran his fingers over the red petals of his prized roses, taking in their soft texture. As he looked over the plant, his mind wandered to a familiar, flustered face with his bright blue eyes and stern frown. The thought of seeing that face that coming afternoon made his heart swell with both excitement and nervousness.

     Normally, England wouldn't be going to this extent for tea time. Even if he was having friends or family over, a cup of tea in the kitchen of his cottage on the outskirts of London was all he needed. But having Germany over was different, it was special. Sure the two were not super close, but since the 1960s which let them get to know each other, England had found himself with a small crush on the German. Okay...maybe it wasn't a small crush. His eyes always seem to wander to Germany at every meeting, they started going out drinking together, and even when Germany was nowhere near, he was constantly thinking of him. He hoped this afternoon tea could be the start of something new, so he had to make sure everything was perfect with just the right amount of romance thrown in.


     "England? Where are you?" an accented voice called from inside the house.

     England, who was arranging the silverware and cups for the hundredth time, was pulled out of his concentration. "I'm out back," He shouted back, pulling away from the table having just finished setting it.

     "Guten Tag," Germany greeted, a small smile spread on his face. That smile made England melt every time he saw it. It suited him so well and made his eyes shine even brighter.

     "Ahem...yes...good day. Please have a seat."

     After their greetings and the pouring of the tea, things became quiet. The only sounds that could be heard were the clinking of cups and the chirping of birds. Though he tried to be discreet, England kept stealing glances at his companion. He watched as Germany sipped his tea and looked around the garden. He quickly averted his gaze as Germany's eyes landed on him. "Your garden is beautiful."

     "Thank you." If England's cheeks weren't pink from almost getting caught, they were certainly bright red now from the compliment. Unfortunately, this sparked no conversation and they returned to silence and England returned to his glances. He noticed Germany kept looking over to the array of baked goods laid out, though he never made a move to take one. "Would you like one? Feel free to take whatever you like."

     "I-I'm fine."

     "Oh please, I won't be able to eat all this myself and I would hate for them to go to waste." He picked up one of the fairy cakes and handed it over to Germany. "Don't worry, I followed the recipe exactly."

GerUk/GerEng Collectionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें