Chapter 12 - The Docks

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( ) thoughts

' ' will be used when Neo uses her scroll

" " will be used to send messages on scrolls

* * action

A/n: No lemons this chapter...because as of right now, you've got enough....*cough* until chapters 16, 17, 18 and 19 *cough*. Also the reason I use "you and team RWBY" is because you'll be moved to another team in a future chapter. Also I apologise if some words get autocorrected to the British ones.


We see our heroes wondering the streets of Vale. The time where vale decorates the streets for the Vytal tournament. You and team RWBY, walk around and see an elderly man putting up a sign up that reads 'WELCOME TO VALE' in big bright letters. You saw that the ladder the old man was on, had began to wobble and send the old man to the ground. You rushed over to the falling old man and just caught him, making your girlfriends smile. You put the man onto the ground and took the sign from him. You climbed up the ladder and placed the sign up. You climbed down the ladder and the old man thanked you by giving you some lien. The old man went back into the store while you walked back over to your girlfriends.

Y/n: That ladder sure was dangerous without a second person but still, at least it's up now.

You and the girls walked around vale, with Weiss in front of you. You didn't need to see Weiss's face but with the way her attitude was today, you could tell she was in amazement.

Weiss: The Vytal Tournament! Oh this is simply wonderful!

Ruby: I don't think I've seen you smile this much outside...only when Y/n is around... Kinda weirding me out.

Y/n: I kinda have to agree with Red.

Weiss turns to face you and Ruby with a smile that sorta creeps you out.

Y/n: Oh the smile! I don't like the smile!

Yang: Uh Y/n? I think you've been watching too much Doctor Who.


You were in RWBYs dorm, scrolling on your scroll trying to figure out what to watch, when you saw Doctor who.

Y/n: (Wonder if this is any good to watch...)

You had tapped the link to watch Doctor who on and after binge watching the first nine series in three days. You were watching the Christmas special with the twelfth and River Song. Yang had came back from working out and came over to you.

Yang: Hey Y/n! What are you watching?

You paused the video and smiled at Yang.

Y/n: Oh hey Yang! I'm just watching Doctor Who...kinda good this is.

Yang: Well, budge over and let me watch with you!

You and Yang watched the remaining minutes of the episode and once the episode finished, you both got into a heated make out session and fucked like animles.

----Flashback over----

You nodded about Yang being right and apologised to Weiss.

Y/n: Sorry Weiss. You got a lovely smile but when you smile this much, it is kinda weirding me out. I don't see the other girls smiling.

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