Chapter Seven ~ Surprise

Start from the beginning

I knew that humans could feel less of the mate bond than an actual werewolf... I remember my village always said; it would break a wolf's heart being rejected by his mate, but as humans we wouldn't feel it as bad. It would hurt but we could move on from it, where as a wolf couldn't.

My thoughts wonder back to my village at the memory. I found it hard to believe those sweet people could be capable of what Odysseus was accusing them of. But you never know, people can surprise you when you least expect it.

Now that I know the werewolves sides I can start to see the true colours of the people that lived in my village. They were also monsters. But not as much as the ones I live with.

I couldn't think straight as I reached Onyx's door. I shook my head free of my thoughts before I bring my hand up to knock on her door.

"Come in, Tatum," she says before I even have the chance to knock.

I open the door and peak my head through the crack.

"How did you know someone was there? heck! Better yet how did you know it was me?" I ask entering her room.

I watch as she sits up, her outfit telling me she was ready for the day.

"Easy, for one. Your scent. You smell like my brother and two, your thoughts are so loud I can practically hear them," she jokes as I close the door behind me.

"All jokes aside what are you here for babes?" She asks me, smiling.

"Oh uh... Odysseus said he had to go to work," I say shuffling on the spot, feeling awkward. Did he forget to tell her she was on babysitting duty...

...Honestly, I'm just telling the truth. I'm never alone unless it's in the bathroom.

"Oh yes! Silly me! Of course I remember! I wouldn't have minded anyway," she says happily with a smile.

"Is there anything specific you wanna do today?" She asks me, and gets up to sit on the edge of her bed.

"I don't know," I say thoughtfully, thinking of the possibilities.

"Do you want to go to the pool again?" She asks me, I shake my head. Today was cold and even though the water was warm I wanted to stay fully clothed.

"Maybe a walk in the woods?" I suggest, wanting to see the scenery.

I look over at her and see her bite her lip nervously, her eyes housing a foggy glaze causing me swallow the lump in my throat.

"What is it?" I ask her, eager to know what's going on.

"Odysseus doesn't want you going outside," she says after minute, looking down at her lap nervously.

"What? Why not?" I blurt out, wanting answers.

"I'm not sure Tate. You could probably ask him," onyx starts to say but I abruptly cut her off.

"Where is his office?" I ask her, determined to convince him to let me go outside. He couldn't keep me locked up in here like some damn princess.

"It's in the other point of the castle," she says to me clutching her bed sheets anxiously.

"Thanks," I say to her before abruptly spinning on my heels.

"Do you need help?" She calls out as I exit her room.

"No I'm ok! Thank you though," I call out to her, continuing on my way.

I walk the halls and suddenly end up finding myself very lost. I keep walking until I find a window, the points of the castle were around the edges so as long as I followed the windows, I was eventually bound to find one of the points. Hopeful it ended up being the one I was looking for.

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